Chapter 4: A Night to Remember

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~Your POV~

It's been three weeks since C-3P0 told me that R2-D2 was convinced that I was royalty.

Ben leaves tomorrow.

He was leaving me for five years. But that's not what worries me. What worries me is that I haven't even told him that I loved him. He's told me twice already, and thinking about it now only makes me feel even worse. No matter what goes on today, nothing would stop me from telling him.

It was a little after 1800 and the sun was dipping low on the horizon, I sat cleaning blasters outside. I could see Poe jogging around the training area with a few cadets of his. From where I sat, I could hear Han yelling at Leia in her briefing room because someone stole his ship, the Millennium Falcon. I sigh. They've been at a non-stop fighting mode since Ben said he was being sent away. Apparently, Han didn't want him to go. I didn't blame him; I didn't either. But Leia kept insisting that Ben was better off with training with her brother.

I finish cleaning the last few blasters I had before I head off to find Ben. He was probably in his room reading on his datapad or drawing or something to keep his mind occupied. He recently told me of a Voice in his head and how it tormented him close to insanity. I was the one that told him to just keep his mind occupied and it'd keep the Voice away. He told me it usually worked.

I make my way to his room easily. With the flick of my hand, the door opens and I step inside. Ben sits on his bed, his datapad in hand. He looked content at whatever he was reading. I smiled.

He looked at me. "Hey, I just found this article on my grandfather. It was written during the Clone Wars, I think. Well, it had to be because it's obviously before he became Darth Vader."

I sit beside him on his bed. "What's it say?"

"It says he was "A hero without fear" and that he served the Galactic Republic heroically," Ben says, setting the datapad next to him. "I want to be like him one day."

"I don't doubt that, Ben," I say. "I truly believe that you could be just like him.  A hero and a powerful Jedi."

His face grew sullen. "I want to grow in my Force ability, I do, trust me, but I don't want to leave you, (Y/N)." His hand cupped my cheek and he rested his forehead against mine. "I can't leave you. I love you."

My eyes find his and I tell him what I had yet to: "I love you, too."

His lips were on mine in seconds. The kiss was so electrifying and I wanted more. He traveled from my lips to my neck, each kiss getting hungrier and hungrier. He pushed me down on his bed as his lips find mine again. I have to stop him as his fingers fumble at the end of his shirt.

"Wait, Ben, stop," I say, catching my breath. "No, we can't."

"(Y/N), there's nothing wrong with it," he says. "We love each other, nothing should stop us from proving it."

"I know, Ben," I say, looking at him as his body still looms over me. "We just can't right now." I smirk a bit as I push some hair from his eyes. "There's too many people still up. Ask me in about five hours, and I just might consider it."

He smirked back. "I think I just might take that offer."

"Good," I reply. "Now, come on. Let's go get something to eat."


It has been two hours since Ben left to speak to his parents. It was late, I noted, and it has been four hours since supper. Most of the palace had to be asleep. At least this floor was. I tried to read an article on my datapad on how Luke and Leia built the Republic back up, but my heart just wasn't in it. Ben consumed my thoughts, so it made it hard to concentrate.

My room became too boring. I sometimes just stared at the wall. I got up and paced around for a bit before I sat back down again. I soon felt a ripple in the Force, then my door opened up revealing my beloved Ben.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled as he shrugged out of his robes. "I didn't expect to take that long."

"It's perfectly alright, Ben," I smirk. "You just left me for two hours. I just stared at the wall most of the time."

He sat next to me on my bed. "Mother was the one that kept talking. Father left in the middle of it out of frustration. I would have too, but I couldn't."

"I'm sorry, Ben," I say.

"You don't need to be," he says, tucking a strand of fly-away hair behind my ear. He smiles. "We don't need to worry now. About my parents, about me leaving tomorrow. It's just us and that's all that really matters."

I press my lips to his. He replies quickly, only breaking our connection by removing his shirt. His lips are on my neck shorty after he removes my sweater.

His attention then turns to me, a wanting look danced in his eyes. "Before anything, (Y/N), I want you to know that I love you."

I roll on top of him before I replied: "I love you too, Ben Solo."


His fingers trailed up my bare waist causing goose bumps to appear everywhere on my skin.

"You're so beautiful, (Y/N)," he murmurs, his lips grazing over my exposed neck.

I pushed some of his hair out of his eyes. "Only because I'm so in love with you."

My lips find his instantly like a magnet. Our bodies seemed to mold together, like they were the perfect puzzle pieces. Ben's hand tangled its self in my (H/C) hair. After we broke away for air,  I cuddled next to him.

"I don't want to leave," he says. "I can't, and I shouldn't be forced to go either. I'm old enough to make my own decisions."

"I know, Ben," I reply. "But you shouldn't disobey your parents. Even if you don't like it."

"You don't get it, (Y/N)," he responds, agitation clearly in his voice. "My parents are afraid of me. They don't trust me. That's why they're sending me away."

"Don't even think that, Ben," I say. "Whatever makes you think that, then stop. If it is that damned voice, then listen to me: They love you and only want the best for you. They're your parents, it's what they do. Sending you to train with your Uncle is what they think will make you stronger in the Force. I believe them. Also, you'd make one hell of a Jedi."

He only smiled. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

I pecked his lips. "You stole my heart."

His drew circles on my stomach for awhile. "Well, you stole mine first."

"Ben Solo," I laugh. "Stop it, that tickles."

"Oh, what? This?" He continued to draw the circles.

"Yes, that!" I whimper.

He chuckled, "Okay, I'll stop."

"Thank you," I smile.

"I want to promise something to you, (Y/N)," Ben sighs.

"What is it?" I ask, curiosity sparking my interest.

"When I get back in five years, I'm going to marry you," he replies. "And I don't intend on breaking that promise."

I prop myself on his bare chest. "You know what, Ben Solo? When you come back home in five years, I just might take you up on that offer."

"Is that a yes?" He asks, a smirk playing on his lips.

"How about you come back home to find out?"

He rolled me over, so now he was on top of me again. He still smirked, but there was that wanting look in his eyes again. "I think I might just do that."


Hello lovelies!! Another chapter his here for you! A quite steamy one, might I add.

Anyways, the next chapter will up no later than Friday. I have a busy week ahead, so if it's posted Saturday, please don't hate me. Also, the next chapter starts the whole plot of the fic (Yay!).

Hope you guys are enjoying this!!



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