Chapter 27: Ask Yourself

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~Your POV~

I stared at the two men.

"You're Anakin Skywalker," I mumble.

"The one and only," the man in the center says. He had longish hair, and facial features I had only seen in Luke, years ago. He looked pretty young, younger than me even. Despite the blue hue, his blue eyes were prominent.

The other man sitting on my bed looked at me curiously. He was also young but he was still older than me. His bronze-ish hair was shorter than Anakin's, and he had a mustache and beard of the same color. His eyes were a blue, a color that I knew could look right into your soul. "You already know who I am, (Y/N)."

"You're Obi-Wan Kenobi," I say.

He smiled. "You're smart, just like your mother."

"Thank you," I say, a blush creeping its way onto my cheeks. "That means a lot to me."

"I would assume," Anakin sighs. "Tell her I'm sorry for me. She refuses to speak to me."

"Geez, I wonder why?" I roll my eyes. He just stared at me.

"Calm down, Anakin," Obi-Wan says, "she's just playing."

"Sure she was," Anakin mumbles.

I snicker to myself. "How are you two so young? Didn't you die as old men?"

Anakin looked like he wanted to punch me for calling him old, but Obi-Wan calmly smiled. "Anakin found a way to look like our younger selves. He teased me about 'looking old' for years before I finally agreed for him to show me how to appear younger."

"They do say the Force works in many ways," I respond.

Anakin nods. "That's why we want to speak to you."

"What is it?" I ask.

"We know you want to save Ben Solo," Obi-Wan says.

"You're trying to for my daughter, and my great-granddaughter, but you're also doing this for yourself," Anakin sighs. "And for him."

"Now that we're one with the Force, we can sense things we never could," Obi-Wan says, his expression grows serious.

"The Darkness that used to surround my grandson has changed," Anakin says. "Ever since you've been back in Ben's life, he's made sure to keep the Darkness at bay. You're already changing something in him, and it's only been a week."

"I haven't changed anything," I say. "I mean, Anakin, look: he's the one that ordered his Knights to beat me. I don't think that's 'changing'."

"He didn't order them to do it," Anakin replies in defense of his grandson. "They did that all on their own."

My eyes widen. So that was the reason for the hostility between him and his Knights earlier. Maybe he is changing...

"He is," Obi-Wan says, reading my mind. "All he needs is his daughter, only then can he be brought back."

"I know from experience," Anakin smiles. "Children have their special way of persuading their parents to do the right thing."

"Was it like that with Luke?" I ask.

"Yes, and no," he says. "Yes, because he kept hope that I'd come back from being Vader. And I did, only because of him. No, because I didn't have my wife, Padme, to help guide me back, like Ben has you."

"Oh," I mumble. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Anakin says sadly. "You didn't do anything. It was my fault anyway."

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