Chapter 35: Ilum

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~Your POV~

I'm jolted awake from the ship breaking atmosphere.

"(Y/N), we're here," I hear Ben say, his voice still concealed by the voice enhancer. I yawn, stretching out my arms until one of my hands collides with something hard.

"Ouch..." I mumble, pulling my hand back and rubbing it with my other one.

"Sorry, (Y/N)," Ben says. "I didn't realize how close my mask was to you."

That's when I finally notice my surroundings. I sat curled up on Ben's lap, while he sat on a bed of sorts. The room itself was black and shades of gray, with one window behind the bed. From the window, I can see soft light pour in from behind thick, black curtains.

"It's okay, Ben," I say, sliding off his lap.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "Lord Ren, we will be landing in a few short minutes."

"Prep everything," Ben commands, his voice booms with the voice enhancer.

"Yes, Lord Ren." We listen to the footsteps as they gradually get further from the room.

"Are you ready?" Ben asks.

I nod. "Yes, I believe so."

"Good." The door opens up for him and he steps out.

I follow him out into the main hallway; a few stormtroopers stand guard in their posts. I could feel their eyes follow us, even though their heads did not move. Ben's footsteps echo as he walks on the metal flooring, adding to the brooding and commanding tone he gives off as he walks past.

The ship shakes a little, telling me that we were landing. Other than the minimal amount of shaking, the landing was smooth, despite the size of the ship. Once I could feel the ship settle on the surface, a alarm sounds off. Stormtroopers jog past Ben and I and head towards the end of the hall, followed by Phasma. They stop short of it just as the alarm stops by Phasma's command.

In front of the stormtroopers, the floor hisses as it lowers to make a ramp. Phasma and her troopers walk down the ramp, their blasters drawn in case of anything.

I look up at Ben. He looked forward, his body tense. I noticed his hands: they were clenched.

"The area is clear, Lord Ren," Phasma tells us.

Ben doesn't acknowledge her, instead he just heads down the ramp, with me following him. The icy air hits my cheeks like a blaster shot as I step out onto the snow. I look around, noticing the shapes of the ice. But when I look up, I'm not disappointed.

The sky is dark, but it is illuminated by multitudes of stars

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The sky is dark, but it is illuminated by multitudes of stars. For a few moments, I stare up at the sky in awe.

"(Y/N)," Ben's voice snaps me back to reality.

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