Chapter 30: News

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~Your POV~

Ben plays with a strand of my (H/C) hair.

"You have something on your mind," he says. "It's blocked out from me, yet you want to tell me. Why won't you?"

"It's complicated," I sigh. "And I also don't know how to even explain it. But you need to know. Now."

His right hand cups my cheek, his thumb brushes against my lips. "Then just tell me. I won't hate you for it."

His words bring me back to the night we confessed our feelings to each other. When he told me I could hate him for what he had to say, but I assured him I would never hate him. It was the same situation, though this time he actually could hate me.

In fact, I was scared to tell him.

He could react in anyway, and I have no clue as to how he would feel about be about being a dad.

"You could hate me, though," I say, leaning my head against his hand.

The corner of his lips twitch. "I would never hate you."

He was trying to ease my nerves, but I still found it incredibly hard to tell him. But I took a deep breath; I was going to tell him now matter what.

"So you know how I have a child..."

He slowly nods. "If I'm getting in the way of your marriage-"

"No, Ben," I say. "I never married." He gave me an uncertain look. "I mean, I was supposed to, but things got in the way and years passed so it never happened."

"You're not married?"

"Yes, I am not married."

A wave of relief washed over him, so I felt it too. "Then your child is of the Force?"



"My child is very much mine."

"How then?"

I take his hands in mine. "Ben, what if I told you that the reason I have my child is because of you...?"

He pulled his hands away. His look of uncertainty gave away his badly hidden emotions. He was confused. "What do you mean...?"

"Ben... You're a father."

His dark eyes widened. He got up from where he was sitting, his eyes still on me. "What?"

"You're a dad, Ben..."

He turns his back to me, his long fingers running through his dark hair. He groans, clearly feeling uneasy. Then it was mixed with sadness, and a little bit of agony. "I-I-I can't be a dad...

I felt sad. I shared with him the knowledge of the being that brought me so much joy and happiness, yet he felt so off about it.

Looking into his mind didn't help either. He felt so...vulnerable, knowing what he was now.

I felt his conscience slip into my own, he shifted my emotions around to detect the one I was feeling now. Sadness spread throughout my body. My head lowered in defeat.

Maybe he didn't want to be a father...

I felt him move closer to me. His finger lifts my chin up to look at him, but my (E/C) eyes don't meet his dark ones. "(Y/N)."

"What...?" I mumble.

"I'm sorry," he says. I finally look at him. His eyes display a unusual look of sadness and happiness. "I know that wasn't the reaction you probably wanted."

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