Chapter 17: Off to Save the Galaxies

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~Your POV~

Rey and I left immediately after the meeting in Command. She said she had someone to go see, so I followed. She had asked about the medbay's location so I ended up showing it to her.

Now, she sat on the bed where Finn was resting. Her Force signature was distressed and that made the room feel like a gloomy morning.

"I can't leave," I hear her mumble. "I can't yet." She turns towards me with saddened eyes. "Finn needs me."

"I know he does, Rey," I say, shifting in my seat in front of Finn's bed. "But the fate of the galaxies rests on your shoulders. You need to go and bring back Luke Skywalker."

"I know, damn it," she mumbles, then sighs. "I'll leave in three days. If Finn wakes up or not, I still will."

I looked at her with tired eyes, but I nodded. She looked back over at Finn.


The three days pass. Rey insisted that she say goodbye to Finn. She was in a new outfit Leia had made for her, and she loved it.

I leaned against the wall of Finn's room in the medbay. Rey whispered something to him before she kissed his forehead. As she moved away from him, she looked at me. "I'm going to miss him."

I smiled sadly. "I'll make sure he gets the care he needs, Rey. I swear it, trust me."

"Thank you," she says, then looks back at Finn. "Without him, I wouldn't have left Jakku."

"Come on," I say. "Everyone's waiting for you on the tarmac."

She nods then leaves the room. I follow behind her a few steps, recalling the events of the past three days.

Rey had stayed with Tarika and I, only because I insisted. After breakfast each day, I'd go with her to check up on Finn in the medbay. The medics always assured her that his condition was stable, and that he was only in a comma. We'd then hike into the misty forest surrounding the base to train a bit, for it was one of the things we talked about doing before she left.

That wasn't the only thing we did. I would ask Rey about him. She would then tell me about what she saw in his head. She said he was afraid of not living up to his grandfather's ego; that he struggled with getting rid of the light that was still in him. I would then tell her about who he used to be.

"You still love him, don't you?" I can remember her asking in the dark hours of night.

I looked at her because I was afraid she had gotten past my mind shields. "W-What?"

"You get this look whenever you talk about him," she assured me. It's how I knew she didn't get past them."It's the look I've seen only once. This girl at Niima Outpost had it for her lover. That was many years ago, but I still remember the look."

"I hate him," I admitted, "but then I don't. It's just complicated, I guess."

"Leia feels the same way, huh?" Rey's question was a whisper.

"Yes," I replied. "She misses Han. I mean, we all do. He was her husband, he was our father-figure. She can't get over the fact that it was their son that killed him though. She loves Ben, I know she does, she just thinks she shouldn't forgive him, that's all."

"And you do, (Y/N)?" There was anger in her voice. "After all he did, after murdering Han, you forgive him?"

I sighed. "Rey, I know he's done terrible things. I know what he's done is wrong. But there's this feeling I have that I cannot shake away. There is light in him still, Rey. Whether you agree with me or not, you know it's there."

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