Chapter 6: The Secrets Begin

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~Your POV~

It has been two months since Ben left. Han's gone too.

Poe's been trying to keep me company, but most of the time I just push him away. I've been trying to avoid Leia, but it never happens. She asked me to become her personal secretary after both Ben and Han left. I politely accepted her offer, but every time I'm around her, all I feel is Ben in her presence.

These past two months haven't been good to me. Six weeks ago, I've started waking up sick. I have to go to bed early now because I can't seem to keep my eyes open after 2000. Poe's told me I've been acting a lot differently, I blame it on Ben leaving. I can't even be around the kitchen anymore without almost puking, every smell in there is sickening. I've also fainted twice, both times around Poe.

I insist it's depression, Poe thinks I'm just going through an emotional stage. Leia doesn't suspect a thing, no one suspects a thing. That's the way I've kept it, a secret I've made myself keep. The only ones who know about my current state is Poe and BB-8, who's been good about sneaking me medicine.

I stare at my datapad. A message dances on my screen telling me that the General wished to speak to me. I quietly exit my room and make my way to her private sitting room. Guards open the door for me and I make my way inside. She stands facing the lake. She wore a deep purple gown with her hair beautifully done up on top of her head.

My outfit, a rosy pink, satin, off-the-shoulder dress with sleeves that went to the ground, was no match for hers. Since I became her personal secretary a month ago, I was required to wear dresses now. I didn't mind it that much, but Poe loved to bother me about it all the time.

"Have I ever told you about your parents?" She asks, still facing the window.

"No, General, you haven't," I respond.

"Well, I think it's time that I told you," she says, finally turning to face me. "You've waited 19 years too long now."

"Of course, General," I say.

She sits on one of the plush divans, and motions for me to sit on the one opposite to her. "Please, sit."

I do as I'm told. "What exactly is there to know?" I ask. "About my parents?"

"For starters," she begins, "You're mother was a great friend of mine."

"What was her name?" I question.

She smiled sadly, "Her name was Aradelle. Queen Aradelle of Bendell. But, when I first met her, thanks to my adoptive parents, she was just Princess Aradelle."

"So Artoo was right?" I ask, my curiosity widening. "I am royalty."

"I guess he was," the General responded.

"What about my father?" Eagerness was obviously in my voice.

"I never knew too much about your father," she replied honestly. "Your parents invited Han and myself to their wedding, but I had just given birth to Ben so I couldn't go. That was probably one of the only times I could've met your father. Though, from messages sent via holo, your mother used to tell me all about him. He seemed like a really good man. I remember her telling me that he fought during the Galactic Civil War and that he was in one of the squadrons with Poe's mother."

"My father knew Poe's mother?" My brows were pulled together. I just completely amazed at how connected I was to Poe, as well with Ben.

"You'd be surprised, (Y/N)," Leia says. "We Rebels knew one another quite well."

"I would only expect," I say.

Leia sighed, "Four years after your parents' marriage, I got a message from your mother telling me she just had a baby girl. She asked me to visit Bendell so we could catch up on things. I messaged her back agreeing to go, but telling her I was bringing Han and Ben along with me. I didn't get a response, so I just assumed she was just busy with her newborn."

"Me, I was the newborn," I mumble.

"Yes," she says, and continues, "When we landed on Bendell, everything was burned to the ground. Her magnificent palace, the buildings and homes of the surrounding city, everything was just torched to the ground by the newly formed First Order." She looked like she was about to cry, but then she quickly composed herself. "Luckily, I was forced by the New Republic to take guards along with me. I had them scouring the place looking for survivors, Han helped while I held onto Ben. I got distracted by something, that I don't remember, and Ben went off for about five minutes. I then hear him call out that he found a baby hidden beneath some rubble." 

"What? How could I even survive that?"

"I'm not really even sure," Leia says. "We found the bodies of your parents a little while later. But by that time, you were in the ship with Ben."

"Why did you keep this from me for so long?" I ask.

"You were simply too young to understand your parents' murder," she says, simply. "I didn't want it poisoning your little head. I kept it from you because I just thought it was necessary yet, now, you're all grown up. It was time for you to know." 

I tried to process all of this information. I was finding it hard to believe. There wasn't an explanation for why I survived, or how I could've at such an early age. I wanted to know so much more, but it would've been too rude to ask.

"There's so much to take in," I whisper.

"That's understandable, (Y/N)," Leia sighs. "I know you must have questions, so ask away."

"Why were they murdered?" was the first question to fly out of my mouth.

"Well, from what many of my informants told me," she starts, " it had to do with you."

"Me?" I blurt out, almost falling out of my chair in the process.

"It seems that Snoke wanted you. For what reason, we have yet to ever find out."

"Oh, Force," I mumble to myself.

Leia gives me a sympathetic smile. "Is there anything else you want to know?"

"No," I say, taking a shaky breath. "May I be excused, please?"

"Sure," she says, standing to her feet. I copy her actions.

"Thank you, General, for telling me," I say, before I take my leave.


I stood in only my undergarments after I got out of my shower. I just wanted to examine myself, see if I've gained or lost any weight. I had gained weight, and it made no sense to me. I haven't really eaten anything fattening in the last two months.

I turned sideways get a better close look at my abdomen. I noticed a bump. It was small, only noticeable if you stared, but there. I gasped.

I felt around the bump, just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. I wasn't. Reaching out with the Force,  I tried to find anything out of the ordinary.

There was a presence. A small one, but it was there. The Force pulled me towards it. Nothing was making sense until I felt the small, fragile heartbeat of the presence. The Force pulled me even closer, now I felt the presence stir inside me.

"No," I mumbled to myself.

 I shook my head. No. I couldn't and shouldn't be, but here I was.


And I did what most reasonable person does with that information: I packed up everything I owned into a small suitcase and left Corellia and everyone I've ever known.


One word: Cliffhanger.



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