Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Ophelia was in the verge of killing Bryan already. At the mean time, she's still having fun shooting feathers from her wings. She laughed maniacally as she saw Bryan running around escaping every deadly feather that was being shot at him.
"That's right! Run!" Ophelia laughed with mischief in her eyes.
Bryan felt hopeless. This wasn't like him. Usually he would've had thought of something, but he can't think of anything. Nothing made any sense. What could be her weak spot?
As Ophelia kept shooting feathers, Bryan used his cards to nullify each shot. He made sure that he got equal number of cards as the number of feathers that was being shot at him. Then, an extra card went straight for Ophelia. Unfortunately, it didn't hit her directly. Instead, it hit her wing.
Ophelia screamed in agony like she was stabbed with a knife. As she felt the pain, she fell on the ground.
Bryan felt victory on his side for a moment. He finally figured out what her weak spot was. It turned out to be her strongest weapon.
"You will pay for this, boy," said Ophelia as she tried to get up.
Bryan took the advantage while she was still on the ground. Immediately, he shot numerous cards at her wings. He was so desperate to win that he pinned her to a building using his cards.
Ophelia began feeling intense pain as she received every shot that was thrown at her. Her wings her pinned to a wall so that she won't be able to fly. Suddenly, her spirit energy rose.
Bryan also felt the intense flow of energy coming from her. He knew that something was about to happen. Instead of pursuing his opponent, he took a few steps back and observed what was about to happen.
"You think that you've already won? Doesn't mean that I'm pinmed to this wall mean that I've lost!" Ophelia grinned at him and said, "In fact, it's just begun."
Bryan was confused all of a sudden. He didn't know what she was talking about. He had a feeling that something bad was gonna happen.
Ophelia grin grew even wider as she was engulfed with a vast amount of spirit energy. Then, her body began to morph into something irregular. Her wings began to grow even bigger, and another pair of wings sprouted from her back. Her blond hair suddenly turned black. Her beautiful face began to molt. She was beginning to look like a monster. Her body even grew massively. She looked more like a demon than an angel. She also had sharp fangs sticking out of her mouth.
She shook her wings to remove the cards that made her stuck to the wall. Then, she flew up to the sky like a rocket.
"This is my true form!" Her voice sounded like a demon's as well. "Prepare to face your doom!" Then, she swooped down heading toward Bryan.
Bryan was terrified. He quickly ran away from her. He pretended like it was a dream. He forced himself to wake up, but it was too real to be a dream. He just kept running away from her.
Ophelia chased after him with her arm stretched out to reach him. She increased her speed. Finally, she got Bryan in her grasp squeezing him until he was out of air. She continued to crush him.
Bryan was struggling to escape, but Ophelia's grip was so tight. It felt like a giant was crushing him. He was already losing air. He felt like his internal organ were about to explode all together.
"Any last words?" asked Ophelia with her glaring eyes.
Bryan was suffocating. He wasn't able to speak.
"You know, who cares what you have to say. You'll die anyway." Ophelia gripped even tighter.
"I... w-will not... lose... to the likes... of you!" muttered Bryan. He suddenly began coughing out blood.
"What was that? Couldn't hear you!" said Ophelia.
"I said... I will not lose... to the likes... of y-"
Suddenly, Ophelia gripped with all her might; and Bryan was completely crushed until his last breathe. "Oops. I got too excited."
Bryan was unconscious in Ophelia's hand. Ophelia laughed and laughed. She didn't even feel any pity for him. When Ophelia was about to throw Bryan away, his body began to dissolve into pieces of cards. The cards floated in the air surrounding Ophelia.
Ophelia was starting to get confused. She didn't know what was going on. She saw Bryan getting crushed with her own hands. It couldn't be possible that he suddenly teleported somewhere else. She saw the entire thing.
"Looking for me?" Cards began stacking into a pile from nowhere until it formed Bryan's body.
Ophelia was filled with shock. "But... how?"
"Well, I knew that worse would definitely come to worst; so before this battle started, I made sure that I gathered as much cards as I have," said Bryan.
"How are you still alive?" said Ophelia with confusion. "I saw you being crushed in my own hands!"
"Um, just in case you didn't know. I'm a card mage. I can turn my entire body to a pile of cards. As we, card mages, continue learning this magic, we learn to scatter our bodies into pieces of cards. It takes a long time to master. Usually, it would take a decade to master this technique; but, you know what? I mastered this in less than a month." Bryan stood calm as he explained to her his abilities. His nervousness disappeared like it was swept away by the wind.
Ophelia began to be enraged, so she tried to go after Bryan. But, the cards floating around her began circling around her until she was trapped inside a giant cube made of cards. Ophelia tried smacking the sides, but it was too strong to break.
"Let me out!" she shouted with rage.
"Now, I believe it's time for pay back." Bryan pulled out four cards from his sleeve and threw it in the air. "Rise! Four Kings!" The cards began to glow, and it grew into the size of a four storey building. The huge cards held spears in their hands. "Now, Four Corner Ace!" The giant cards pierced their spears right through the cube containing Ophelia.
Ophelia screamed in agony. The cube dissolved into cards, and it returned to Bryan's sleeve. The giant cards pulled the spears out of Ophelia, and they shrunk into normal size and returned to Bryan's sleeve as well.
Ophelia fell on the ground looking very injured. Blood flowed out from the sides where she was impaled. She began to return to her normal self. She beginning to look pale.
Bryan walked closer to her to see if she would still get up, but she didn't.
She slowly opened her eyes and said with her final breathe, "You're something, boy." Then, she closed her eyes; and she was dead.
Bryan looked at her with pity in his eyes. He just let out a deeo sigh and said, "It's Bryan. Bryan Sanders." He turned and left her there alone.
Bryan was finally relieved that it was over. He thought that he won't make it, but he did anyway. As he was walking, he decided to help the others; but he thought that he might be in the way. So, he decided to help the people evacuate instead. Before he does that he needs to attend to his wounds first.

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