Chapter 2

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The next morning our house was almost bare. Nicholi insisted we take everything so Alice had gone to a factory and picked up hundreds of box's.

Since Sophia's toys had been taken and now sat in uncle Emmet's jeep, she asked me to do her hair. I wasn't used to getting requests like this from her so I was taken aback, but I quickly agreed.

Since I hadn't learned how to do anything fancy with hair I pulled up a video on my phone and left the volume on mute.

  It took several times to braid and then have to undo everything but when I was it was time to go anyway.

I wasn't looking forward to a long car ride but I knew that if it would help Sophia be out of danger, I would manage.

I would run ovcourse, but Sophia not being fast enough yet would need to drive to Yukon. It's not that I don't trust my family members, which I do. I just feel more comfortable if I was there with her.

"It's time to go Sophia" I say as she slips her hand in to mine. "Where are we going?" She asks curiously while twisting a brown curl that had been left out of the braid.

"We're moving far away with lots of snow in the winter! You'll love there!" I assure, but she looks in to the distance and doesn't answer right away. "Will great grandma being coming too?" She looks hopeful."ovcourse Esme will be coming silly now let's go!" She looks in front of her once again and I follow. Sitting at a desk in the corner is my grandmother. She looks towards Sophia and shakes her head. Did Sophia mean this grandmother? My grandmother pushes up from her chair and floats over. She looks as if she's going to say somthing, then she hugs Sophia. I watch as Sophia whispers "bye" into her ear and turns to me. "Come mommy lets go!" She says and races down the stairs. I walk after her and run into Nicholi. "Is everything up here gone?" He asks. "Yea I was just bring her down now" I say gesturing to Sophia who is running about. I peck him on the cheek and walk downstairs. I decide I won't tell anyone about the ghost. It would just weird them out and worry them.

So where exactly are we moving to? I ask my father "Yukon, though I don't know where in Yukon. Carlisle gave us an adress to give to the lady on the plane." I perk up. "We're going on a plane?" "Yes, Carlisle thought you'd like that instead of the car" he says. I give a silent prayer to Carlisle and grab an orange off the counter.

"It's time to go Renesmee. We have to drive to the airport." Nicholi says and I groan. There would still be sitting in hot car with very little space involved. My father chuckles and I glare at him. He stops but turns around and smirks.

I follow Nicholi out to the car where Sophia is happily listening to nursery rhymes that play from the radio. I smile and climb in. "Here"Nicholi says handing me a book. I look at front cover. It's a for sale book. I open it up. All the addresses have Yukon, Canada in them.

Each house was so diffrent but amazing! One house had a loft and chandelier another had its own greenhouse! The house with the loft was my personal favourite. "What about this one?" I ask pointing at the picture on the paper. Nicholi glances over. "That one looks good." He smiles and continues driving.

It seems like it been hours in the car when in reality it's only been a few minutes. I fall asleep.

It feels like only minutes before I'm being shaken awake. "It's time to go we're at the airport" Nicholi says. "I want to sleep" I mumble. Nicholi chuckles.

The seat I was sitting in is gone and now two strong arms are holding me bridal style to the airport entry.

I giggle and fall back asleep in Nicholi's

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