Chapter 25 - Return of love and peace

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"You can't make me tell you anything." I tell Aro once again. Her purses his lips. Take her back to her room he's going to say. He always does. Torchers me more and expects me to tell him what he wants. However instead he summons Ezra. "Show her just how much it would hurt her if she doesn't tell me what I need." "Ovcourse sir." Ezra smiles. I knew he didn't like me. He hasn't since the day I walked by him in the hall and accidentally tripped him. His raven black hair was slicked back. His posture perfect. His features all angled sharply but also delicate. He was the picture perfect vampire. "Kill me. " I say. "Do it." He could kill me but then he couldn't know what he needed. He needed me alive and I knew it. Ezra grasped my neck and twisted it so much it almost was snapped. Sure, it hurt like a bitch but I wasn't going to let them know. "Rip it off right now why don't you?" I said to him. "Alright release her. Send her back to her room." Aro said clearly annoyed. He couldn't read my thought due to my sheild. Smugly walking back to my room I lay on the bed. I wasn't going to be getting any blood anytime soon. May as well get used to it. I lay down and close my eyes. In my mind I picture sandy beaches. I wish I was there instead of here. I wish I was anywhere else.

Weeks had passed I was starving. I could hang on longer of course but I was weak. A knock came to my door. This was unexpected "hello ?" I tried to croak out. Aro stepped in. "I know what I need." He smiled. "Enjoy." He tossed me a small bag of blood. An unexpected urge of energy ovcame me. I wouldn't let him hurt Sophia. He didn't need me anymore I'd be executed anyway might as well try to stop him. "NO!" I scream grabbing his neck and smashing him to the ground. I now had him in headlock. I could do this. I had to try there was no stopping now. Aro screamed and tried to bite me but it was no use. I tore his head from his body. Suprised I stumbled back. This was it. I was free. Then I remember my thirst. My throat immidiatly burned. I lunges for the blood bag and drank it in a second. Carrying Aros head I took it to the centre of his home, and burned his body. I released all the other prisoners except Ezra. He could rot.

Leaving the underground I looked in to the dark night sky. It was time to find my family.

*sophias perspective

I wouldn't bother denying it anymore. I was falling in love with Seth, and fast. Everyday who brought me a new reason to smile. The biggest challenge of them all? Telling my mother. Stroking belle behind the ears I smile as she lets out a soft pur. She was so innocent, purely good and I loved that about her. "Sophia!" My mom called from downstairs. My entire body tensed. Was this about Seth? What if she made me stop hanging out with him? Slowly making my way downstairs I trail my fingers along the wall in anticipation. "Yes?" My voice is a little shaky but I hope she doesn't notice. "Come help me with the dishes." I let out a sigh of relief and start to scrub them with her. "So Seth asked to see you tonight, said it was important.." oh shit. "Can I go?" I try to sound as if I have no emotion in my voice. "Yes...but is something going on with you two?" She eases in to the question. To be honest I didn't know. I knew what I wanted but did he? "No." I say still unsure of my answer. "Okay." We finish the dishes in ackward silence. I scurry back to my room and text Seth.

Sophia: so, you wanted to see me tonight?
Seth: yea, it's a surprise though so be excited
Sophia: you know I don't like surprises!
Seth: you'll like this one
Sophia: promise?
Seth: I promise.

Smiling I realize I should probably get dressed. I didn't know what the suprise was but I wanted to look my best. Sorting through my closet I decide on mom jeans and a cropped Pepsi sweater. I sit down to do my makeup and start to worry that I won't like the suprise. What am I gonna do if I don't like it? I don't wanna lie to him but I don't wanna hurt his feelings! Aparently I have no more time to worry though because the doorbell rings announcing his arrival. Something flutters inside my chest and I try to withhold a smile. I inhale a deep breathe before opening the door and relax my shoulders. Quickly I open the door and smile however I'm suprised to see not Seth but Mya standing in front of me. She must have seen the shock written on my face because she reaches in and hugs me without saying a word. Without knowing exactly why I begin to cry.
"I missed you so much" I muster out sobbing in to her shoulder.
"I know I missed you to."
I invite her in and we talk. She tells me everything that's happend, not gonna lie I cried more the she did.
"Wow." I say not really sure of what else to respond to that.
"Yeah crazy right? But we don't have to worry anymore! Now what's new here?"
And so I tell her. I tell her everything about Seth. Everything from how I'm falling in love with him to how he has a weird birth mark behind his ear. Mya being mya thinks I should stop waiting and ask him out myself.
"Well, he's gonna be here soon." I tell her.
"Perfect do it tonight!" She says excitedly. Mya being home seemed like a sign. A sign everything was ok. A sign I should take charge of my life.
Ovcourse on cue, the doorbell wrang. With the certainty of asking him out tonight I left Mya to socialize with the rest of the family and went to see Seth. Here goes nothing!

*seths perspective*
Tonight was the night. I would ask her to be my girlfriend. It wasn't such a big thing really but it seemed like everything. Being around her made me happier, ever hung about her was perfect. The way her soft curls folded around her ears as if they were made just for them. The way her eyes twinkled when she got excited. The adorable face she made when she was embarrassed. Thinking about all of it made me smile. In my mind she was my girl I just had to finalize it. She came to the door with a smile already on her face with just made mine widen. I barely noticed my cheeks hurt from the smile because I was to distracted by her. She was wearing something so casual yet she still looked like the most beautiful girl in the world.
"Shall we?" I ask extending my hand towards her.
"We shall." She curtsies and take my hand.
Speaking of hands, Sophia probably had the tiniest hands possible. Smirking I turn to her
"Yknow.." I say but she cuts me off
"Don't even start." I smile and help her in to the truck. As I climb in the other side she starts to speak.
"Where are we going?" I told you it's a suprise I smirk.
"I just wanna know."
"Well that sucks doesn't it?"
She glares at me and playfully rolls her eyes. I could never get tired of this girl.
A few moments and a jam session letter we arrive at a roller skating arena.
"No way!" Her face lights up.
I just smile and help her out. She immediately jumps out of the car grabs my hand and runs to the door. The light flashes in her hair and she runs and I'm dazed for a minute till she snaps in my face and raises her eyebrow.
"I don't wanna sound like that bitch, but if you take a picture it lasts longer." She laughs and I roll my eyes.
Heading in we rent ou/r skates and I notice her having trouble with the laces.
"Jeez maybe we shouldn't go if you can't even tie up your skates. Could be dangerous for other people." I tease.
"It'll be dangerous when you fall on your face and cause people to trip over you." She sticks out her tongue.
I laugh and tye up her laces. We skate and dance around the arena for a while and she smiles the whole time. I want fuzzy feeling of content has built up in me and won't go away. I didn't understand it but I didn't mind it either. After another half hour of skating we stop and go get milk shakes from the diner inside. As I sit across the table from her she reaches out and flicks me on the nose. I'm so suprised that I blink a series of times and she laughs. Sitting down I grab her hands.
"I want to ask you a question." I say
"So do I."
"You first."
"No, you started the question by saying you wanted to ask one."
"Well now I'm saying you."
"Fine on the count of three."
"Will you go out with me?" We both shout at the same time.
Sophia's entire face lights up and she jumps in to my arms. "I'll take that as a yes?"
"Yes" she smiles and snuggles me.
I didn't know what would happen, who knew if we'd work out. But in that moment I felt pure joy.

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