Chapter 8

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☆Sophia's POV☆

That night I didn't sleep well. Alothough the encounter with Aro didn't scare me at the time, I'd asked Carlisle about him. His only words were. "That man is evil. It's a good thing he's dead!" And coming from Carlisle who was a kind man not bother by anything usually, well it scared me.

Currently I'm driving to school with Mya. She's decided she wants to play a game and naturally I'm included. Basically she just asks me questions.

"Do you like choclate?"

"Who doesn't!?"

"Have you watched a movie before?"


"Do you lik toenails?" She asks pulling in the parking lot.

"No, let me out of the car we're going to be late!"
She ovcourse ignores me. "Mya cmon!" "Just one more question..." "Do you like Jason?" She asks.

I begin fiddling with a loose thread on my jacket nervously. "You do!" She says accusingly. "Yeah..." I admit blushing. Then I realize why she asked. "Mya Bensin don't you dare!" I say looking up from my jacket. "Don't I dare what?" She asks innocently. "I'm not going to the dance with him!" She frowns. "Oh cmon its Halloween please?" She begs pleadingly. "No Mya. Just because it's Halloween doesn't mean I'm asking out a boy!" "What if he asks you out?" She questions evilly. "He won't." I say sure of it. "He will!" She says. "No he won't.
Don't make him Mya." I scold. "I won't." She says still smirking. "Although I think it's best you turn around." I whip my head around immidiatly. Behind me is a guy in dark robes and his face completely white. His eyes or black and his mouth is open. I shreik and stumble backward in the seat. She begins laughing hysterically. Only now do I realize it's a mask. I cross my arms over my chest and pout. "Not. Funny!" "I thought it was!" Mya says gasping for air that even though she doesn't need it. She thinks it makes her look normal but at the same time completely not normal. The guy/girl lifts of the mask. It's Jess?

(A/N haha bet you guys were expecting Jason am I right?)

"What are you doing here Jess?" I ask. She bites her lip as if debating whether or not to tell me. She takes in a deep breath then finally begins to speak. "Did you meet Aro yesterday?" She squeaks. "Um... Yes. Why?" I ask. Her breath becomes fast and frightened. "I have to go." She says and sprints away so fast if I had blinked I would've missed it.

I turn to Mya. "What was that about?" I ask. She shrugs. "I don't know c'mon lets go."

We walk to the school getting a few jealous looks from other girls. "Mya, why are they glaring at us?" I ask hovering over her shoulder.
She shrugs and keeps walking. Maybe this is normal and I hadn't noticed before.

When I sit down for my first class I realize I'm early. I stand up to walk over to Mya — who is sitting playing on her phone — and some how manage to knock all my books to the floor. "Whoops." I say reaching down to pick up my books. "Here." A boy says reaching down to pick them up. He has shaggy brown hair and light blue eyes that are almost grey. They remind me of the ocean. The ocean, peaceful calm but dangerous. "Um, thanks." I reply taking them from his arms.

He smiles at me and strides away. I'm about to call after him when somthing covers my vision. "Guess who!" A familiar voice says from behind me. A smile creeps on to my lips. "Jason?" I ask. "Yep!" He says giving me access to my vision once again. "What's up?" I ask turning to face him. "Just wanted to ask you a question." He replys smirking. "Will you go to the dance with me? Then afterward you can come with me and we can get dinner." I'm shocked. I can't move nor can I talk. I'm frozen, solid like a statue.

Finally after what feels like hours I suprise myself by speaking. "Yes." I whisper. He opens his mouth to speak but interrupted by the teacher clearing his throat. Please find your seat Mr. Kenip." He says gesturing to Jason seat in he backrow.

Jason mutters somthing and walks back to his seat. My insides explode with excitement. I had never gone to a dance before.

When the teacher turns to yell and Cole Rubin for throwing a thumbtack at Jessica Humendel I turn to face Mya. She's already faceing me and moves her hands to form two thumbs up. I can tell, she knows. I grin and turn back to the front just in time for the bell to ring. I have a long day ahead of me.


"Alice it's a dance there no need for all this make-up!" I groan while she blends all the makeup."Well I beleive a girl should always look her best." Alice replys sticking out her tongue. "I found a costume!" Mya declares burst through my bedroom door. She holds up a white knee length dress and fabric paint. Alice grins. Annoyed I whip out my cell phone and text Jess. Hopefully she'd come rescue me.

Alice turns to me. "No way are you leaving. I'm not re- doing all that makeup!" She says taking the paint from Mya and shutting the door with her hip. I sigh and walk over to my piano. The piano is still rainbow and colourful. My fingers play each note of the scale. "You could be in band you know." Mya says from beside Alice. Not even bothering to look I say. "Maybe."

I look amazing. Well the dress does anyway. They've painted a pink pattern of branches in the skirt and the top was left white with a simple ghost necklace hanging between my breasts.

Ding dong. That should be Jason. The bell rings again and I scurry down the stairs. I swing open the doors and there stands Jason standing in a suit. "Ready to go?" He asks me offering his arm. I nod and take it. "Always." I reply walking down the porche steps waving goodbye to Mya.

A/N the dance will be in the next chapter 😁

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