Chapter 15 - Back To School

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F I R S T I want to thank LylahAndLyssaCovers  or otherwise known as ImmaCrazyFangurl  for the A M A Z I N G cover! And I was told to tag ImmaPsychoFangurl as well :)

Second: nothing really lmao I don't know why I said first in the first place

Third: why are you still reading this? The chapters below

*Sophia's POV*

School. The one thing I'd been dreading to go back to. "Ok I think you're done!" Alice says finishing my bright pink lipstick. I agreed to let her play doll with me as long as she helped me plan a birthday party for mom. After all, it was my fault she didn't get one.

Walking down the stairs with my bag slung over my shoulder I wrap my arms around my mom. Today I would start over. "Have a good day." She says in my ear and I nod.

Walking out the front door I let the cool breeze blow in my hair. It was then I remembered it was almost Christmas. Today was the 15th to be exact. One week. I told myself. One week and then you're done. Taking a deep breath I walked over to the car where Jason was waiting. Although he cheated on me, he claimed it was because of alchohal and he was sorry. So I forgave him. "Hey!" I greeted sliding the door. "Hey." He smiled back.

Silently I stare out the car window as the trees fly by me. Could Mya really be gone?

When we arrive at school I step out of the car only to see somthing so amazing I'm lost for words. The whole front of the school is decorated in banners saying "welcome back Sophia!" And everything's covered in tiger Lily's. Oh yes, did I mention they gave me a cast when I got home? Probably not. The cast was located on my thigh to the end of my leg so it was a bit uncomfortable. I turn my head to Jason who doesn't look suprised. "Did you do this?!" I ask shock evident in my voice. An infamiliar blush makes its way to is cheeks.


"Thank you so much!" I cry wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him. He really did seen sorry about the incident. "It's nothing." He mumbles in to my hair. "Nothing? This is amazing!" I laugh. I pull back and look in his eyes. Maybe being human would be diffrent. I could do so many diffrent things.

"We better get to class." He says as were interrupted by the bell.

Somhow while we walk his hand finds its way in to mine and I smile. All until I accidently bump in to somone drop my books and trip over both the person and the books and fall on to the tile floor. Then again, being human might have its drawbacks.


Sucking in a deep breath I clutch my stomach although I know that won't help. God, why did having your period as a human had to hurt so bad?! It was like a million people were kicking me in the stomach. Not to mention my sudden flashes of anger. Those were annoying to.

Unclutching my stomach I lean my head on my desk and stare at the wall. "Mrs. Cromwell, could you give us the answer to question 12?" My teacher asked clearly annoyed that no one was paying attention. "No. I can't." I answer with no tone to my voice. "And why do you think that is?" She presses in further. Now she was starting to annoy me. "I don't know you're the teacher so would you mind telling me why?" I hear a few snickers from the class but pay them no attention. "Mrs. Cromwell office now." "Gladly." I reply wanting to just go home. To bad my wish wouldn't be granted.


"So he gave you detention for being told to go to the office?" Jason asks. "Yep." "Wow." He says making it sound extra long.

We eat the rest of our lunch in science but I can sense the tension. And it was bugging me. "So what are gonna do this weekend?" I ask trying to start a conversation. "Nothing really." He says taking another bite of his sandwhich. Well that worked wonderfully, a sarcastic voice fills my head.

Then suddenly Jason sighs and turns to me. Well, you see I was wondering... If maybe you'd like to go on a date with me this weekend? I hear there's a ice skating place down town." She finishes looking at me hopefully.y eyes brighten. I was being asked on a date! "Definatly!" I confirm. He smiles smugly for an unknown reason and takes another bite in his sandwhich. I, Sophia Cromwell, had a date!

Oops it's short oh well

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