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It's a warm breezy day. Uncommon in forks Washington. Seth stares at Sophia from across the road. He truly had never lost feelings for her. Sophia laughs as she lifts her tiny toddler in to the car. Her blonde curls bopping up and down as she shakes her head. Sophia's husband Calum smiles at the sight of his beautiful family. Mya nudges Seth from beside her.
"Time to go." She says getting in to the drivers side of the car. Seth sighs and follows knowing he'd be in charge of watching Sophia's kids at the beach. Soon after they all arrive ready for a warm day. Sophia's husband helps her out of the car and kisses her on the cheek while taking out there daughter Calista from the back. Sophia walks out in the water and closes her eyes. Nothing was the same, yet everything was alright in the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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