Chapter 16 - Date Night

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Holy macoroni and mozzarella cheez Ariana Grandes new album litrally is p e r f e c t😍😍😍

"Almost ready!" I call to aunt Alice.  It annoyed her very much that I wanted to pick put my own clothes today and she was waiting dowstairs. "Well hurry up!" She yells. I laugh lightly before tugging my shirt on to my body and skipping to the door.

Everything was slower then it had been before but it was cool. I'd be able to experience things the way a normal teenager would and it was a great opportunity!

Skipping down the stairs I bump in to Alice at the bottom of the steps. "Sorry." A blush begins I form in my cheeks and I step to the side. "Your mother and father want to speak with you." She says craining her head in the direction of the living room. Her face is expressionless although somthing about her mouth tells me she's trying not to laugh.

I nod and skip in to the living room. Sitting on the couch is my mother and father. My mom looks nervous where as my dad looks totally at ease. My mom motions for me to take a seat on the chair across from them which I do.

There's a long silence for what feels like minutes before she speaks. "Sophia, before I begin I want you to know we're totally ok with the idea of you going on a date. There are just some rules we want to go over." "Alright." I didn't see what Alice thought was funny although it could be somthing totally diffrent.

Taking in a deep breath she looks at me. "Well." She begins. "We want you home by 10:00 and wouldn't like you to go to any parties. Also no consuming alcohol or anything drug related." I nod and I'm about to leave when my father clears his throat. "Also, no having sex or anything along that line."

When he says this I wrinkle my nose. "Ew, dad, gross no." My nose wrinkles even more. "Alright then that's it. Go have fun!" My mom says and smiles. I return the smile and go to meet Alice.

"You ready to go?" She ask excitedly. I nod and smile while walking out the door with Alice. I had a date!


As Alice's car pulls in to the bowling alley drive way Jason was going to meet me at, a pulse of excitement goes through me sending shivers down my back.

Jumping out of the car my as my red converse crash against the gravel I break off in to a sprint, knowing Alice could easily catch up.

As I reach the doors to the building I crain my head to see Alice's petite fidgure coming closer.

As she reaches me she places a hand on my shoulder and smiles tentively. "Have fun." She whispers. I nod eagerly and push open the door.

The bowling alley wasn't worn down in the slightest, it seemed more as if it had been recently updated. The bowling balls were brightly coloured to match the buzz of excitement that filled to room. Pop music played in the backround and I gazed my eyes around to look for Jason.

As I spotted a blurry Jason waving his arms in the air a smile found its way on to my face. Jogging over to the spot where he was I stood in front of him. "Hey!" I smiles and he smiled back. "Hi! They have bowling shoes over there." He nodded his head in the direction of the counter. I smiled and walked over to the counter.

Behind the counter is a slightly oversized man pulling out beers for customer. Clearing my throat I smile as he turns around. "Hi, could I have bowling shoes please? Size 6." He nods and digs around under the counter before plopping shoes on the counter. "Here you go." His voice was more rough then I'd been expecting. "Thanks." I reply taking my shoes.

Walking back to where Jason is I plop down in a chair and begin to tie my shoes. When I'm finished I sit up and come face to face with Jason. "Ahh!" I yell stumbling farther back into the chair. He chuckles and pushes a lock of hair behind my ear causing me to blush. "It's your turn." He says nodding his head toward the alley way.

A scarlet blush fills my cheeks as realization hits me. "Jason, I don't really know how to bowl..." I admitted blushing even more.

He smiled and lifted me up in bridal style. "Here." He said. "I'll show you."

And then just like that as he inter whined his fingers with mine and showed me how to bowl... I knew he was the one for me.


"How'd it go?" Alice asked immidiatly as I walked through the door, although she already knew the answer. "Brilliant!" My insides were still bubbling with happiness. The bowling had gone perfect, the meal and the walk in the park afterwords... It was all perfect!

Alice smiles lightly at me. "Well I'm glad you had fun." Her voice is drowned out by a loud "ahem" in the living room. Coming from none other then uncle Emmet. "Since most of you know, some of us will stay here, and some are moving away back to Forks, we're all going on a..." He paused for dramatic effect causing me to roll my eyes. "...FAMILY HUNTING TRIP!" He yelled pumping his fists in the air. "When?" A voice asks from the back that I know to be Ellanore. Emmet grins at her. "Tommorrow!" "Is it safe to have Sophia there though?" Bella asks concerned. Everyone falls silent. "It should be... But just in case we should have a body guard keeping watch over her." Carlisle instructs. They all nod and go back to whatever they were doing before.

It was just a hunting trip after all... What could go wrong?

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