Chapter 21 - If This School Was A Zoo He'd Be A Pig

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ImmaCrazyFangurl your wish has been granted

So I'm trying this thing where I do diffrent perspectives all in one chapter so this should be quite long :)


A few weeks had passed since I caught Jason. I was recovering from my heartbreak. It was a long process, but all the home work and assignments made it easy to get him off my mind. Walking through the halls was the hardest part, they would always be somewhere. It was they knew I was coming and decided it was time for PDA overload. Although it helped I wasn't the only one to notice. Tons of kids would walk by and roll there eyes or make a face, I just walked past pretending as if they didn't exist. Stroking belle behind the ears I sigh loudly. It was time for school.


Since Mya disappeared I didn't have anyone to sit with at lunch. Solution? I sat with brooms, cleaning supplies, and dust pans. Yes, the janitors closet. I memorized his schedule, during lunch he always left 20 minutes before to get his Tim Hortons. It was an hour before he got back. Leaving me with eneough time to have conversations with the cleaning supplies... KIDDING! Maybe...

Waking in make sure to close the door behind me but I find myself violently being shoved against a wall and being kissed. Confused and angry I open my eyes. It's Jason! "Get off me you pig" I scream he doesn't move and I struggle to get out of his grasp. Reaching for the door I realize it's locked. "Looking for this baby lips?" He smirks jiggling the key in his hand. "What is wrong with you?! Let me out!" I growl angrily. Part of me was scared, but I didn't let it show. "Hmm no." "Why not?" "You owe me somthing." He says as if we made a deal long ago. "The hell I don't." "The hell you do, the whole time I was dating you I went without sex. I was waiting and waiting but you kept getting hurt! So I got myself a girl who's give me what I wanted, but she's not here. So butter cakes you owe me." Now I was scared. Quickly realizing the meaning behind his words I try opening the door again. No such luck. He laughs humourlessly. "Nice try baby girl." Walking forward he places one hand on my arm and slides it down till its at my fingers tips. I try to smack it away but he grabs both arms and pins them behind my back. Maybe I should have taken uncle emmet up on self defence lessons. "Stop." I plead but he shows no signs of hearing me. I had to get that key... Searching the room for the pressioua peice of metal I spot it. Sitting maybe a foot away on a table is the key. Now I needed to distract him. Although I had been so distracted that I hadn't realized he was touching me. Not where I wanted to be touched. He had his fingers down my panties and was massaging me. "Stop!" I screamed louder. He didn't listen. Then he started to unzip his jeans. Oh hell no! Doing the only thing I could think of I kicked him as hard as I could right where it counts. He immidiatly dropped to the ground and clutched Jr. Jerk. Served him right.

Quickly grabbing the key I see him reach out to stop me. I step on his hand and unlock the door at the same time. Just as I'm leaving I notice my favourite bra was on the ground. In a muddy water spill. Oh he did not! Taking the rest of the dirty water bin I dump it on him and a girly shriek escaped his lips. "UGLY BITCH!" He screams and starts to get up.

Now running I don't look back. I run to my locker and grab my bag as quickly as possible and run to the ladies room. Quickly I change in to my sports bra and get the hell out of there. If the school was a zoo. He'd be a pig.

I'd skip the rest of the day and go home. I'd be safe there. Keeping my thoughts out of the place they wanted to go I start running. I didn't look back. Everyone probably thought I was crazy. Running like a maniac with my backpack away from school, but I didn't care. As I'm half way home I see a familiar car that is my mothers roll up. "Get in." She says. She looks angry but I don't know if it's at me for skipping school, or at Jason, for what he did or attempted. "Alice said you were skipping school and I should check up on you. Care to explain?" Oh, she was angry at me. I hadn't done anything! Although I couldn't be angry Alice would want me to tell her myself. I open my mouth to explain but tears begin to flow freely. Before I know it I'm full out bawling, not just for myself. What about all the other girls he's done this to and got away with it? And how emotionally abused they was terrible.

After several minutes of listening to my story she suddenly makes a sharp turn and heads back to the school. "No ignorant bastard will treat my daughter or any other young lady like that!" She fumes. I'm almost as suprised as I am proud. Proud to be the daughter of such a caring woman.

Parking the car I get out and slam the door. Sophia quickly scurries behind trying to keep up.

I shove open the door with force and march the down the hall. Coming our way is Jason angrily walking down the hall. Sophia shrinks back in to a corner that makes her less visable. She shouldn't need to hide. Just because of a boy who needs to get a reality check.

Jason spots me and visabily rolls his eyes and mutters somthing under his breath. "YOU FEELINGLESS LITTLE BITCH!" I schreech and before I stop myself I slap him across the face. Right in front of the office to. Great. As soon as you can say 'pinaepples pina-collada' he's marched out and is leading us (and Sophia who has now emerged) in to the office. Oops.


Thai place was somthing out of a horror movie. A vampire horror movie to be exact. He had set up rooms for each of the vampires he'd collected. All, talented vampires with talents he couldn't bear to lose. He'd make us train, so we could fight whom ever we wanted to. It wasn't as if we wanted to fight, he had an assistant. She wore a mask with Janes face. As he wore one with Aro's. We all now knew that the "Aro preserved his soul and is with us" was fake. This wasn't Aro. This was Aro times 5. During lunch they'd feed us the most discusting thing. Human blood.
At first I refused. But then you were sent to... I'll stop myself while I'm ahead. Although the most sickening part to me was what he prepared for his most valuable toy. Sophia. He had a chamber set up for her with luxe riots one could only imagine. A crown as she would be his princess once he was finished brainwashing her. It was sickening. I just prayed that where ever Sophia was it was far away and safe from here. The bell wrong. "Night Mya." Austin said. He was one of my few friends
here. "Night." I said we couldn't sleep, ovcourse. This was just the tiny ammount of time we had to rest and have Freetime. I used mine to catch up on my studies and write letters to Sophia. That I would never send. Just wishing I could be close with my family again. Wishing I'd never ran.

Does everyone hate Jason now?? Hell yea!
Lesley logic: I'll write in the car on the way to my aunts for thanksgiving. *makes musical.lys for the longest time ever* -15 minutes before getting to aunts house- me:hmmm I should probably write now.

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