Chapter 5

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A/N I didn't proof read so you're warned!

Five days passed since I first found out I was pregnant. Baggy sweaters were a must so Sophia didn't know. Yes her Christmas present would be early but I was giving her what she had asked for only four times it. Sophia how ever seemed to have hulted her growing at least for now. She looked 14 but acted like a 10 or 12 year old. She'd taken up intrest in music, drama, dancing and art. Every now and then I'd find her asleep on her bean bag chair after reading all night. Much to uncle Emmet's distaste she did beat him at Mario Kart twice! They'd made a bet. If Emmet won Sophia had to arm restle him which she did not want to do, if she won Emmet had to wear a princess dress and crown and walk around in public. I have no clue where she'd come up with that but watching Emmet walk around like that getting odd glances from people on the stray was pretty damn hilarious!

"Hey can I have a pizza?" I ask my dad who is currently in the kitchen. He sighs and gets up to use the phone. Carlisle had instructed for me to stay put incase I went into labour since he said it could happen any day now. I hear the microwave beep and look up. My pizza is ready! He places the plate in front of me and I bend down to pick it up. Suddenly I feel a lot lighter and... Wet? I look at the ground where a puddle now sits. My water had broken. "Carlisle!" My dad screams and I'm instantly being carried into a birthing room Carlisle had set up. "Alright I Renesmee they're coming now so let's get them out quickly." Carlisle says while I take off the skirt is been wearing.I begin pushing. Needless to say it does hurt but I want to see my babies. "I see the first one!" He exclaims. I push harder now more excited at the arrival of my babies. "Got him!" Carlisle says picking up a tiny baby boy. While he wraps him in a blanket and gives him to Nicholi who I hadn't noticed appeared until now I keep pushing. Carlisle turns around and takes another baby into his hands. "This ones a boy to!" He says giving him to Nicholi. I wonder if I'll be having all boys... I push again and out pops another baby. "Girl!" Carlisle says and gives the baby too Nicholi who is trying to hold all three. "One more to go!" I say and grunt as I feel nothing left in my stomach anymore. "Girl!" Carlisle says handing me the fourth baby. I calm down and put my skirt and undergarments back on. My body feels back to normal and I take one girl and one boy. Both girls have tony brown tuffs of hair where as the boys have blonde.

"Hi there!" I say to the babies in my arms who's eyes are wide and staring at everything. They both giggle and snuggle in to my chest. "What are there names?" Nicholi asks looking up from the two he's holding. "Vanessa, Ellanore, Jac, and Nicholas. I smile down at the two babies in my arms. Nicholi nods and asks, "how will we tell which is which?" "Well let's see" I say walking over. "Vanessa has a freckle on her forehead on the right side and Ella has hers on the left. And that's the same for Jac and Nicholis." Nicholi smiles. "You already made up a nickname and they hav'nt even been alive for 10 minutes yet?" I roll my eyes, "yep". Vanessa giggles startling Nicholi and me which cause all the babies to laugh. Esme was still in the process of adding on to the house so for now they'd sleep in our room.

I look down to the smiling babies in our arms. "There's a giant crib in our living room if you want Nicholi suggests and I nod. We walk to the living room where there is indeed, I giant crib. We set down the baby's and creep up the stairs.

"Sophia, there's an early Christmas present for you downstairs" I say and she looks up then runs - at vampire speed - to the door. "What is it?" She asks curiously. "You'll just have to go see I say tapping her in the nose before she raced down the stairs. I laugh and quickly follow behind. As she rounds the corner to the living room she sees the crib and slowly walks over to it. Greeted by Four pairs wide eyes she shrieks. "Are sisters?" She asks. "Aafph bwsrs" Jac mumbles causing everyone to gasp. All the babies laugh and eventually we join in to.

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