Chapter 9

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☆Sophia's POV☆

Jason pulls in to the parking lot. Around us are other students wearing funky dresses and some face paint. Jason finds a spot near the edge of the parking lot and walks over to the other side of the car like a gentleman and opens the door. "Care to join me M'lady?" He asks. I nod and take his hand as we walk towards the school.

As we near closer to the school I can hear the steady thump of the music. My stomach turns with excitement as Jason opens the doors. Students are all over the hallways some of them dancing and some just talking.

Jason leads me to the gym where couples are dancing and swirling to the slow song that has been started. Jason turns to me. "May I have this dance?" He asks bowing. I giggle. "Indeed you may." I take his arm in mine and we join the couples on the dance floor.

Then I realize somthing. I have no clue what so ever how to dance! "Um Jason, I don't know how to dance." I admit meeting his eyes.
Shocked is the only expression I can see written on his features. "Step on my feet." He says. I do and he begins swerving us around.

Edventually the song ends and an upbeat song starts.

We dance the a few more songs before Jason takes my hands. "C'mon, I want you to meet my friends." He says tugging me towards the door.

At the door stands two boys. Both have shaggy brown hair, brown eyes, a freckle under there left eye, and are unmistakabley twins.

"They." Jason says gesturing to the twins. "Are Joe and Ghoe." The twins finish. "You guys have the same name to? Isn't that confusing?" I ask. "No not really. He Joe with a J, I'm Ghoe with a G." Ghoe says. "I still don't get it." I say confused. Joe just simply shakes his head. "You don't need to." Then he turns Jason. "You want some bro? No one can catch us tonight." He says grabbing hold of his pocket and pulling out a bag full of lumpy white sugar. "Um." Jason looks down at me then back to Joe. "Well sorry not tonight." He says gesturing to me. Ghoe looks at me sizing me up. "She doesn't need any." He says to Jason. Jason opens his mouth to speak but I interrupt him. "It's ok. You can hang out with your friends if you like. I can take care of myself." I say not wanting to have them arguing. Ghoe nods his head in approval. "Ok fine." Jason says taking the bag from Joe.

Not wanting to interfere I walk back to the dance floor. Now that Jason's gone it seems so crowded. Thirsty, I weave in and out of random couples and make my way to the food table.

As I begin to fill my cup a voice from behind me gets my attention. "Oh so you're the bitch he brought to the dance." A blonde says. She glares at me, her eyes reminding me of a tigers right before they kill there next victom.

I roll my eyes and turn back to my cup which is almost half way full. Why can't this machine be faster? "Sassy arnt you? Well trust me. That's not how you make him like you. If he likes you he'll like you for one thing and one thing only. Which you clearly don't have." She walks to my side forcing me to look at her. "Listen." I say. "I'm really sorry but I think you have the wrong girl bec-." "Oh trust me. I have the right one." She growls and smirks. "Do you think he likes you? Do you actually think a guy like him would like somone like you?!" She snarls bitterly. Ow that hurt. "I have no clue what your talking about." I reply looking at my cup which is almost full. She glares at me. "Fine don't know what I'm talking about? Let's see how you feel after your boyfriend likeing me and not you!" She says and flips her hair over her shoulder.

Now that my cup is full a drain it quickly. The heat reflecting off everyone is making me feel stuffed and the need for air gets me to move.

Weaving in and out of people I make it to the hallway and head for the front door. Then the voice is back. "Hey, Sophia! Look who's having fun and who isn't!" I whip my head backward to see the girl with her legs wrapped around Jason's and her hands in his hair while they make out.

The emotion that fills me hits me like a knife to the chest. She was right. How could any guy like me? If he cared about me why would he kiss her? I didn't mean anything to him.

Wiping a tear I hadn't realized was there from my face I hurry out of the school.

Once outside I take in a deep breath inhaling the fresh air. I start walking not really knowing what I'm doing and then I realize I've walked all the way to DairyQueen. I sigh and walk to the counter and pull out the money Mya had tucked in my pokets for emergency a couple days ago.

After ordering a slush is I take it and sit down at a window bench.
I watch the stars shining in the dark as if they're speaking to one another. I hope they're having a better time then me.

The bell for the door rings but I just keep starring out the window. "Hey! I know you!" A voice says. At first I think he's talking to someone else then I realize the only one in here besides him is me.

Turning around to see who it is I take one glance and realize it's the boy from this morning. He orders himself a ice cream and sits opposite me without asking. "What's with you?" He asks noticing my sad expression. "Just the guy who asked me to come with him tonight is currently kissing aborher girl." His face hardens. "Wow what a fucking dick." He says storing his ice cream with the spoon. "My mom said you shouldn't say that word." I blurt. He shrugs. "My parents are dead. Ain't nobody gonna tell me what to say." He looks down. "Oh I'm so sorry! Do you want to ttyl about it?" I ask sadly looking at his expression. He shakes his head then looks up. "How'd you get here then if your dates st school?" He asks switiching the topic. "Walked." I shrug. "Do you need a ride home?" He asks getting up. "Yeah if you don't mind that is."
I say also standing up.

We walk silently to his miter cycle  and he climbs on
And I reluctantly follow. "What's your adress?" He asks looking at me while buckling his seat belt. I hesitate before answering. "Maple drive 78." He nods and drives off.


Slowly he pulls in to my drive way.  "Thanks for the ride I say stepping off the bike. " you're welcome." He says about to spread off again. "Wait!" I call as he begins to back out of the drive way. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "I never got your name!" I say and he smiles.

"Kendrick Jackson."

Is all he says before speading away in to the night.

A/N sorry for 1AM update guys I'm just in the writing/reading mood so ya. It's kind of hard to write Sophia's character cause she's not a bitch like me but ya. ALSO SHOUT OUT TO ALL YALL BITCHES HAVING ME UP AT 1AM READING YOUR BOOKS :D🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻😘

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