Chapter 3

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"What are you doing here?!" I blurt. "Wow I feel so welcomed." Jacob rolls his eyes. I glare at him and raise my eyebrows. Jacob sighs. "He's coming". "Who?" "Aro." He sits down at the island and pats the stool next to him for me to sit. I do. Aro left a bottle behind, inside it he left some sort of spell. A sixteen year old had wandered across it. When she picked it up somone bit her." I narrow my eyes. "Who but her?" "Victoria's niece" he sighs. My eyes widen. I had heard about Victoria from my dad before. She tried to kill my mom. "She has a neice?!" "Yes, a long time ago her sister had a baby. Victoria watched the baby grow older and when the baby turned 17, she bit her. After she bit her neice Victoria left." "Okay but what does the bottle have to do with this?" I ask. "I guess when the bottle was touched by that girl it... Released Aro's soul. As long as he found a new body he'd still be a vampire." I gasp. "He found a body...didn't he?" Jacob sadly shakes his head. "Unfortunately...yes" "I'm so confused" I shake my head. "The girl who was bitten is Bella's mother." I shake my head. "No, that's impossible. She died giving birth to Penelope and..." I can't say his name. It'll just bring back sad memories. "Not exactly impossible. While the baby's grew inside her some of the venom seeped into her blood stream. Yes she died but have you ever heard the theory that when we die some souls start over and be born inside a baby again?" He doesn't wait for me to reply

"Well she's one of them and she still has venom in her blood. When she touched that bottle she released Aro's soul." "And Victoria's neice?" Jacob smiles. "Nothing like her aunt at all. She's one of the nicest vampires I've ever met. She tried to stop her from touched the bottle but it was too late. She fidgured that if she bit her Aro couldn't steal her body. If Aro stole her body he'd be the strongest vampire alive since she'd still have blood in her system." "So did he?" I ask. Anixety creepyt into me. What if he did? We're all doomed! "Nope, infact she's a vampire now one of the strongest and she remembers when she was Bella's mom." I grin. Wait till my mom hears this! "What's the her name?" "I'm Ren!" A young teenage girl rounds the corner she has bright blue eyes with blonde hair but her roots are dyed brown. She's extremely pretty. Even though she looks diffrent she still reminds me of my grandma. The way her eyes sparkle as she talks. The way she smiles. I grin. "It's nice to meet you!" I say holding out my hand to shake hers. Instead she hugs me. "I remember you! You were that girl at the airport!" I shake my head. "What do you mean?" "It's my power! I can shape shift. I was the old woman who pointed out Sophia." My grin widens. "Oh thank you for that." Her smile falters but she says "no problem, if that man were to get a hold of Sophia it would've been very bad! I open my mouth to reply but just then a red headed girl comes through the back door.

"Hi, I'm Jessica!" She smiles kindly at me. "Are you Victoria's neice?" She nods and grins. "I've heard about you! Can I see your power?" This is the first time in a while somone had asked for me to use my power. I immidiatly nod my head walk over to her. I show her my whole childhood. When I remove my hand she gasps and jumps up and down. "That. Was. So. COOL!" She shreiks.

"Is everything ok? I thought I heard somone screaming." Nicholi asks coming through the door followed by Sophia. I can visibly see her hair has grown an inch and she looks a little taller. Nicholi's eyes widen as he sees Jake, Ren, and Jessica.

"Who are they he asks pointing to Ren, and Jessica. "These" I say gesturing to them. "Are my new best friends!" I grin and twirl. "OHMIGODSHESOCUTE!!" Jessica screams at the top of her longs and wraps Sophia into a hug. Sophia freezes and looks to me for confirmation. I nod and she slowly hugs back.

Nicholi looks at me. "Care to elaborate?" "I can" Jacob smiles

While Jacob fills Nicholi in on what he had told me Jess, Ren and I play hide and seek with Sophia.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Here I come, ready or not" I yell. With my vampire hearing I can faintly hear Sophia giggling. I follow the sound until I stop upstairs. Inside the sixth bedroom up on a loft behind a bed. Is Sophia, Jess, and Ren. I tip toe up the stairs to the loft. I pounce on the bed. "GOTCHA!"

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