Chapter 12

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A/N tried to give y'all a peak in t Aro's mind but can't really do that without giving away the plot for the next book. But I tried

•Sophia's POV•

Nodding I run out of the room. Mya couldn't have gotten to far. Slam that's probably the front door. Swinging open the door I run down the front steps twisting my head in every angle possible. A girl running in to the near by woods comes in to my view. Without a second thought I run after her not bothering to look where I'm going. The girl runs faster knowing I'm on her tail. I push my legs to go faster as well but they don't listen and stay the same pase. Annoyed I keep running.


Sweat drips down my forhead as my legs begin to ache. It had been probably at least three hours of running and Mya showed no sign of stopping. But the real question was where were we. The scenery around us has drastically changed from a forest full of trees to prairies then mountains and now a gloomy beach. The sky had turned dark around when we entered the prairies which ment no one could see Mya glittering. Not many people where out now which ment if she were to do somthing crazy... She'd do it. Having that thought I pushed my legs farther again. We were going up a hill. Ovcourse. Stumbling over pebbles.

"Hey!" A voice yelled from behind us but I paid no attention as I had a task at hand. "Stop!" The voice yelled still getting no response from either of us. "Renesmee!" The voice screams louder. What were they talking about? Wherever we were it must be somone who knew my mother. Ignoring the protesting shouts from behind us I run after Mya.

We reach the top of the hill and she nears a cliff. "Maya, no!" I scream. She looks at me sympatheticly then jumps.

Running the the edge of the cliff, before I know what I'm doing I jump. Flying off the edge and in to the water below I realize somthing. I never learned how to swim.

• Bella's POV •

Why weren't they back yet? Esme said that they would be quick and when they got back we would suprise Renesmee. After all, a late birthday present was better then none!

"Sophia's gone!" Renesmee shouts bursting through the door. Taken aback by her sudden outburst we all stand there stunned. "Where is she?" Nicholi asks breaking the silence. "We don't know! She went to look for Mya and then she was gone! We searched the entire forest!" She says panicking. "We need her scent." Jacob says speaking up. "Go get somthing from her room that she's touched recently." Alice orders with her eyes closed. Suddenly she turns to Jasper. "Paper, pencil, now." She orders and he's gone and back within seconds. At lightning speed Alice draws an...ocean? "La Push." Jacob whispers. "No that's impossible she couldn't have gone that much distance in..-" "in three hours she might have." Esme cuts Alice off. "Then we need to go. Now." Nicholi says. I look to my daughter who's face is in pure terror. "Renesmee?" I ask looking at her face which frames of colour. "She doesn't know how to swim." She mumbles. Then it clicks. La Push beach. The ocean. She jumped off the cliff. "We need a plan what if she gets out some how?" Alice says. "No plan we need to go. Now." I say "Esme stay here and take care of the quadruplets." I say to her. "Bella dear, we need a pla-." "No Edward. We need to go now. She obviously jumped and if she lost her best friend... Her only friend, well that's worse then losing the love of your life. She doesn't know how to swim and well if she jumped. We're utterly screwed." I snap ushering everyone out the door.


We arive at the airport 5 minutes later thanks to Alice's speedy driving.

Taking our tickets from then assistant at the front desk we board the fastest plane they have to Forks Washington. Which since there's no plane that goes to Forks, happens to be a private jet.
I just hope we're not to late.

• Aro's POV •
"Did you get the girl?" I hiss to my friendly helper. "No but we got the other one. Her blonde friend. You know that Maya girl from like 100 years ago." She says chewing her gum loudly. Perfect if we had her friend we could lure her in. His was the perfect plan.

A/N alright therz we go. Lmao who do you think called out to Sophia and can some one make a cover for this book because I'm honestly to lazy to. I might make a trailer if I have time. Idk maybe. Any way later haters. Lmao none of y'all are even haters so why did I say that. Meh it rymed.

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