Chapter 19 - so we meet again

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Getting impatient that not a single person is coming too see me I begin tapping my finger against the bed. Finally after what seems as forever the door clicks open and a familiar looking nurse and puppy come in. "Belle!" I grin and the puppy barks in reply. The nurse smiles at our interaction and I look to her while Belle jumps
on a chair and then on to the bed. "You're very lucky. Most people don't survive almost drowning and getting a dog cone stuck on there neck and not being able to breath for a long time." She says and only now do I notice the nurse is Jessica. I smile while sitting he puppy on my lap. "Guess I'm not like most people. " I say playing with belles paws. "I'll say." She smiles. "I remeber when Bella fell through a window." She frowns. "You're much like her, bad luck but good luck at the same time." Her smile re- appears and so does mine. "I guess." Then my 'cousin' Bella rushes in and Jessica squeals.
Bella looks suprised to see her but happy. "Hi Jess, I'm glad to see you and all but. Oils we catch up another time..?" She asks ackwardly. "Ovcourse you need some time with time your cousin alone." "Ah, yes. Yeah best cousin ever just kinda need to talk to her alone. Did I mention she's the best cousin ever?" Jessica rolls her eyes and giggle but closes the door on her way out. As soon as we're alone I don't bother to hold back but neither does Bella. "Cousins??" She asks at the same time as I ask"who was she?!" She chuckles but says "ok you first." "Who was she? The girl who strangled me?" "Jane." Jane Jane Jane ... I remeber that name.


Shutting the bathroom door I begin to cry slightly then before I know it I'm full out bawling. Why did this have to happen to my mommy? Just when I thought everything was getting better... Staring in the mirror I frown. Suddenly my stomach growls but I ignore it. Nothing could stay down anyway. A tapping on the window distracts me. A pretty blondes face is pressed in the window. She looks nice I think as I go to unlock it. "Hey kid." She smiles and shyly I smile back. "Drink this." She says passing me a bag filled with blood. "I can't drink this. Aunty Alice say it bad." She smiles again. "Don't worry it's animal blood." "Okee dokey misses." I say and begin to drink it. Immidiatly I felt better. "Thank you misses." I say smiling. "No problem. You'll need the strength. One day you'll be killing humans like the rest of us. You need some strength to get there. Even if it's animal blood." I pale. Killing humans? What did she mean? I didn't want to kill a human. "W-what's your name misses?" I ask. She looks sceptical but finally says "Jane." Then there's a knock on the door and she's gone.

"What was she trying to do?" I gulp. Bella looks down. "I don't know Sophia I really don't."

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