Chapter 10

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That's Ellanore⤴️

〈Renesmees POV〉

"No!" I manage to say between laughs. The quadruplets thought it would be a good idea to tickle me until I agreed to let them go to school. Pre-school that is. Even though Carlisle said they wouldn't look the same age as Sophia looked for another fifteen years, yes I know what you're thinking. What Renesmee? That's so far away! How can it take that long? They're half vampire for goodness sake! Yes, as that might be true it would take that many years because there's four of them. I know. Confusing right?

Prying Ellanore off my leg and placing her in the crib I look to the boys who are still tickling me. "That's not very nice to tickle mommy Jac." I say looking down at the giggling toddler. He shrugs and continues to tickles me. Ignoring the feeling and the urge to laugh I scoop him up and place him in his crib. Now where's Nicholas and Vanessa...

Turning around at the sound of laughing I see Vanessa sitting in her crib next to Ella. "Vanessa how did y-." I'm cut off my somthing tapping my leg but nothing's there. Confused I turn to look at Vanessa, Jac, and Ella. The all smile innocently and giggle. The tapping continues and I place my hands on my hips and raise my eyebrows at them. Ella bursts out laughing and points behind me. I turn to see Nicholas sitting on my bed with his arms behind his head smirking. Sighing I pick him up and place him in his crib.

All four toddlers stand up and look at me. "Is there somthing you arn't telling me?" I ask. They each share a glance. "Um, we can talk?" Vanessa guesses. "That's one of them. Do any of you happen to have powers?" I ask sure they do.

"Mwaaa HAHAHAA ." A little girls voice appears in my head. Surprised I stumble back. Ellanore bursts out laughing. Guess we know who that was. Next thing I know each toddle looks like a giant pumpkin with eyes. Knowing one of them is trying to trick me I smirk and say. "Yum pumpkin pie for desert tonight!" Almost immidiatly they turn back to scared looking toddlers except Ella who is smiling evilly... "I'm sorry mommy!" Vanessa wails causing me to look at her. If it was Vanessa then why was Ella...

"RENESMEE A DEMONS TRYING TO POSSES ME!" Jacobs voice screams running into my room. Ella, Nessa, Jac, and Nic burst out laughing and I can't help but chuckle to.

Jacob glares at me and sassily walks out of the room. "Ella! That wasn't very nice!" I say between laughs. "Then let us go to school." She says crossing her arms over her chest. "Fine." I sigh walking down stairs.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs I hear music coming from the tv. In the living room dancing are Penelope and Paul. "Penelope!" I shouted running over to embrace her in a hug. Right away she hugged back frowning. "Great now he's gonna win." She frowns. I look over at the tv screen where they're playing just dance. "He was already winning anyways." I reply not letting go. "True." She says.

If I didn't explain where Penelope went (which I didn't I will go edit that now.) basically she and Paul went on a trip to Rome for an 'unknown' reason.

Carlisle then walks out of his study carrying a few things. "Carlisle I want to sign them up for pre-school." I state, sliding on to the kitchen stool. He looks up from his paper and smiles. "Alright I can sign them up." He smiles and lifts the screen of his laptop up. Quickly looking from the screen to me he says. "Oh by the way Esme has a suprise for you. She waiting out front." He nods his head in the direction of the front door. I nod and make my way over.

Slipping on my boots I twist the job and open the door having a chilly breeze sweep past me.
Esme sits on a chair reading a book. It's called 'twilight.' "Watcha reading Esme?" I ask although I already know. She smiles and looks up. "Well a very very old vampire has an extremely odd talent where he can make humans do things. Perhaps if he wanted one to write a song he would. Or a book in this case. He found Edward and Bella's story quite intresting and had a human write about it." She smiles and stands up.

"Now come I have somthing for you." She says and walks to the smallest car in our drive way. Knowing Jac, Nic, Ella, and Nes are probably asleep I climb in. "Where are we going?" I ask. She smiles kindly at me. "Suprise."


☆Sophia's POV☆

"Do you like him?" Mya asks wanting more details. "No I just met him!" I say for like the one thousanths time. Mya sighs annoyed and takes a sip of her drink. "He cute ok, but I still like Jason." I tell her causing her to fake gag on her drink. "You WHAT!" She yells causing everyone in earshot to glance at us. "He left you. Did drugs. And kissed another girl, but you still like him?!" She continues clearly not caring about the attention. I sigh a blow a price of stray hair out of my face. "His friends forced him to and he didn't know what he was doing." I tell her defending him. Mya rolls her eyes. "I swear you're just asking for trouble. I mean it's not like before you came here he was the schools biggest player or anything." This time, it's my turn to roll my eyes. "It's complicated." Is all I say before were interrupted by someone clearing his throat. Both of us look up at a boy who looks around 17. "Hi, I was just wondering if I could have your number?" He asks Mya while staring at her chest. "Sure." She smiles and I look at her as if she's crazy. "It's simple to remember really. You just need to remember 1-800 it's never going to happen." She tells him. "Come on Sophia lets go." She says standing up and grabbing my wrist. "See. That's what you need t do to Jason." She explains. Rolling my eyes I follow her out towards her car.

As soon as she begins to drive it clicks on my brain that she's going the opposite way of my house. "Mya wh-." She cuts me off by honking the horn. "Don't ask questions." She replys before pushing down on the gas petal, extremely hard.

She speeds past cars for probably 25mimutes while I pray I don't die. when she finally haults to a stop, I peek out from my fingers and look at the house in front of us. "Mya who's house is this?"

〈Renesmees POV〉

"Yes, I think so to." I reply to Esme. She had been asking me about Christmas related things. Although I was clueless as to why I kept my mouth shut.

"Here we are!" She said happily parking her car outside a house. The house looked old to say the least but had been kept in extremely good care. "This was your Fathers mom's house while she was a girl." Esme said smiling at me. I nodded and stared at amazement at the house.

Esme started to walk forward, so eager of what we were doing I followed. "How about we take a look on the inside." She said not bothering to look back. I nodded, even though she couldn't see me.


"One room left! I declared twisting the nob. Of the last door.

The door swung open with a creak and I peered inside at the dark room.

My eyes widen as the door on the other side of the room begins to open. Only then, do I catch a glimpse of the outline of a familiar lady sitting in a rocking chair in the corner.

Taking my attention away from her I look back to the door witch swings open.

☆Sophia's POV☆

"I don't think we should be here." I whisper to Mya as she leads me down yet, another spooky hallway. "Oh it'll be fine." She says for the fifth time. Shakily I nod and follow her to a door at the end of the hallway. "When you open this, don't scream." Is all she says before moving so I can open the door. I nod and one it.

The first thing a say is, "grandma?"

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