Chapter 13

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I'm putting a pic at the bottom of the chapter please tell me I'm not the only one who finds it scary

^Renesmee's POV^

Ainxesly biting my nails at our arrival to forks I sigh. How could I just let her go off on her own? She's not even a year old! Sure maturity wise she's maybe 14 or 15 but still! Leaning forward I cover my face with my hands and rest my elbows on my knees. This was going to be a long 15 minutes.


*Sophia's POV*

As the waves in the water push my body around I try to remember if I've seen somone, anyone swim before. I rack my brain but I can't find a thing. As my feet kick I find it harder and harder to stay above the water. Then somthing grabs my foot yanking me under and I suppress a small yelp of suprise. Once I'm under I push out my cheeks like a puffer fish. Like that will help. Opening my eyes I look around and spot a fidgure with a tail swimming away. Copying there actions I stick my legs together and pump them while using my arms to paddle forward. The fidgure lifts a large rock and light appears. How can it be light when we're underwater? The fidgure swims underneath the Rock and quickly shuts it. I beat uncle emmet in a arm restle... How hard could lifting a rock be? I'm about to swim forward when I realize I havnt breathed in 2 minutes. "Renesmee!" I hear a panicked call but ignore it. My head begins pounding and my chest begins to ache then as if it were s light switch shutting off, everything goes dark. "Sophia!" I cry out running at a normal speed to Charlie. "She breathing but only fantly and she's also loosing a lot of blood we need to get her to the hospital fast." He says gesturing to the cloth rapped around her head. I nod and whip out my phone. Dialling 9-1-1 I press talk.


"Yes hi my daughter has jumped off a cliff and is losing a lot of blood!" I say fastly in to the phone.


"La Push beach."

"We'll send over an emergency crew immidiatly.  For now wrap a shirt or somthing around the wound tight and try not to move her around.

"Ok thank you."

Hanging up the phone I look at Charlie who looks concerned and confused. "So you have a daughter?" I nod in response. He raises his eyebrows but doesn't push on the subject.

I watch Sophia in hopes that her eyes will open but she doesn't move. The sound of sirens causes me to look up from Sophia.

An ambulance parks and medical doctors come and place her on a stretcher. As they carry her to the ambulance a thought crossed my mind, a thought id been avoiding. What if she didn't make it?

*Myas POV*

"Just give in."


I wince as the blonde female strikes me over the head again with a whip. A whip made out of scorching hot material. When she first carried it in I thought it wouldn't hurt because I was a vampire. Well I'll tell you one thing. I was wrong. It felt like all hell was about to take over and slowly I was dieing. Unfortunatly for me though, I wasn't. As much as it hurt my stupid vampire body wouldn't give up until it was practically in peices.

Then, prancing in to the room was none other then Jamison. My ex boyfriend.

"Why would you do this to me?" I sob as she strikes me over the head again. I look him dead in the eye. All the love that was once held there is gone and now there's nothing but coal black.

"You're a disgusting filthy animal. What kind of vampire feeds on animal blood? That's absoloutly discusting!" He snarls glaring at me. Leaving the room with as much grace as he enter the femal strikes me over the head again. "We know you know her power. Just tell us and the pain will all be gone." She says nastily. "That would be betraying her." I say sticking up for my friend. There was no way I'd tell her how Sophia's could help them. That would be assisted suicide for the rest of the world. "Fine then." She hisses, anger edvident in her voice. Another lash of pain fills my head. I just hope Sophia didn't follow me.

^Renesmees POV^
"Has she awoken?" I ask quickly to the nurse who just shakes her head. "If anything I'm sorry to tell you but she's doing worse." The nurse sighs. "Please just let me see her!" I beg. The nurse sighs in defeat and leads me to the room. "I have to warn you... It's pretty bad." She says sucking in a deep breath before opening the door.

On the bed is Sophia. Her head is scraped up and her arms are covered in black bruises. Inhaling deeply I walk to the side of the bed.

"Sophia I'm so so sorry." I whisper shakily drawing in another breath. Silently I begin to sob at the side  of the bed when an alarm goes off.

"She's stopped breathing!" A nurse screams in to a system on the wall. A cluster of doctors and nurses rush in and usher me out. I watch as they hook cords in to her body. Silently sobbing I press my hands to the glass window. The doctors are huddled around her speaking quickly.

After 30 minutes they seem to have given up. With an unspoken nod they turn to look at me in the window. Slowly one of the doctors comes over holding a clip bored. "We're truly sorry but there's nothing more we can do to-." Hes cut off by a single beep from the monitor.

A single beep that could change my life.

Here's the pic

That's a picture my friend posted but anyway So I faced swapped with a kid in my class and I still look the same almost I still think it's kinda creepy

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That's a picture my friend posted but anyway So I faced swapped with a kid in my class and I still look the same almost I still think it's kinda creepy. Follow me if you want @ misslesleyloo

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