Chapter 14 - complications

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WAIT: before you read think about this... If the Cullen's can't have Bella get a paper cut(New Moon) without Jasper going all krae krae then how can they handle a whole bunch of teenagers I mean one of them is bound to pick a scab right?If A N Y O N E has an answer please comment. Also would you guys mind checking out my new book "My Sister The Badass"? I'll be working on that one as well. Thx!

Renesmees POV*

Immidiatly the doctors rush to her bed to begin another surgery. "Sophia please stay with us." I whisper in to the glass. A doctor whooshes the curtain shut leaving me to stair at the light blue fabric.

Sighing I slump down in my chair. This was going to be a long night.

Waking at the sound of snoring I turn to my left. It takes me a minute to realize the person next to me is my mother. Slapping her on the arm I laugh. "You're a terrible actor." She nods in agreement and opens her eyes. "So I've been told." We share one of those mother daughter laughs before it clicks.

"Where's Sophia?" I ask whipping my head around to stare at the empty room. "Calm down." My mother instructs. A wave of calmness ripples through my body. Uncle Jasper must be here. "Where is she?" I repeat my question. Calmly she stares at me. It feels like minutes before she answers although I know it hasn't. "She's in recovery." And with that I'm gone.

*Sophia's POV*
I felt diffrent. Not in the way that it hurt but in the way one might say in crazy. My legs were sore and aching. My head spinning, my eye sight was no where as near detailed as it had been. What was wrong with me?

Groaning I slam my head back on the pillow. "Are you alright?" A voice asks walking in. A nurse. Perfect. "No my head hurts like hell." I groan shutting my eyes. "Oh I can get you some Medicine for that, I'll be back." She says racing out.

Several minutes later she returns. "Are you feeling any better?" "No." "I'm sorry that was a stupid question. You see it's my first day on the job." She sighs smiling. "That's great!" "Yeah. I'm Jessica by the way." I grin. "Nice to meet you Jessica." I say extending my arm. "It's funny, you look like somone I used to know." She says. As nice as the girl was, there was still one question stuck in my head. Where was I? "Er, I don't mean to be rude or anything but where exactly am I?" I ask. "Forks, Washingtom!" She chirps happily. "Oh my cousin used to live here." I tell her. If I were to say Grandma she might think it odd or suspicious. "Who's your cousin?" "Bella Cullen." "Oh Bella! We were friends you know." She grins at somthing as if she's having a flash back. "Well anyway I probably need to get you some time to see your family." She smiles sheepishly like she was using my time. I didn't mind honestly.

Almost immidiatly after she leaves my mother walks in and gasps."what?" I question scared at the look on her face. "you look... Diffrent." She squeaks. "In a bad way or a good way?" "Good." I breath a sigh of relief.

What did I look like. My eyes scan to room till the land on my phone. "Can I have my phone for a second? " I ask my mom pointing my head in its direction.

She hands it to me and I open up camera. A gasp escapes my mouth.

My pale white skin was now more like a humans

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My pale white skin was now more like a humans. I looked like a human. "Mom, I don't think ok a vampire anymore."


Four hours and fifty seven minutes later we were released from the hospital. "We need to see if this could be possible." My mother whispered more to herself then me. Nodding even though she couldn't see me I leaned my head against the car door. Bella had left the hospital after mother came to see me and now we were heading back to the jet.

As soon as we took our seats she whipped out her cell phone.


"Yes, we think she's human."

"Ok we will thank you."

She hangs up the phone and turns to me. "Punch this." She says pulling a wooden block out of her purse. "Where did yo ev-." "Just got it." I do so and inmiditaly pull my hand back. "Ouch." I hiss.

My mom looks pale and calls Carlisle again.

"Why's do we do?"

"So you're saying..."

"I understand."
She hangs up the phone and turns to me. "We're going to keep you human for a year and then Carlisle will injection the venom in to you and you'll become a full vampire." She rushes out.

I nod and slump in my seet. A year as a human? I was already clumsy enough. We're all totally screwed.


Arriving at home I go to my room and am greeted by my puppy. Grinning I pic her up and cradle her. "Hi Belle." I coo setting her down.

Now I had to think.
First we needed our facts.
1. I was a human
2. I live with vampires
3. My bestfriend is gone.

To me at least the next thing that I had to do was clear. I had to find Mya.

Hey guys so if you want me to make you a trailer just dm me. Also... I like....


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