Chapter 22 - Family Trip

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a giggle escapes my lips as my lab partner puts the empty bottles against his eyes. My lab partner was also one of my new friends.
Over the past few weeks I'd been getting to know people. Everyone at the school, except for a few ,were lovely

"Joseph stop messing about with the materials and pay attention."
Our teacher scolds him and continues writing on the black board.

Twenty minutes later the bell rings and it's time to go. As I'm about to grab my bag and leave Joseph stops me at the door. "Would you be intrested in going skiing with us this weekend?" "Sure! I'll have to ask but it sounds fun!" "Great." He smiles at me and it seems genuine. Leaving the school with a smile on my face I spot aunt Alice's car. I dash over and the frosty air nips at my cheeks but I don't mind. "Alice! Guess what!" I say at the same time she says "you'll never believe where we're going!" "You first." I offer. "We're going to forks! We're leaving tonight, but don't worry I've packed all your things." "Oh. But just a trip right?" "No, that's where we're moving!" "What? No!" I shout before I could stop myself. I had just gotten used to this place, I didn't want to move again! "Who made this decision?" I ask trying to get annoyed. I knew exactly whose decision this was. My mom had been extremely over protective recently so I really shouldn't be suprised if she wanted to move. "Your mother." Alice says confirming my suspicions. Sighing I buckle my seat belt and face the dashboard. "Anyway what's your news?" She asks trying to start a conversation again, which I'm truley not in the mood for. "I was gonna go skiing with Joseph this weekend." "Oh." "Yeah."
The rest of the car ride is quiete and I watch out the windows and try to memorize the trees and such as we drive by. After all, this could be the last time I saw them.

"Mom that's not fair!" I shoot angrily at the doorway to her room. When I had gotten home I went to confront her about it and well, it has just gone downhill from there. "I'm doing what's best for you Soph, you'll love it there I promise!" She says while disassembling the cribs. "Mom listen to me!" "I am listening to you." I sign in frustration and run up to my room. And to make things way more worse, Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmet, Penelope, and Jacob were all staying! I was leaving half my family behind!

Annoyed I stomp to my room and slam the door. Assorted suit cases and bags are spread on the ground with articles of clothing in them. I look the belle who's napping on my bed and my shoulders slump. I just wanted to stay one place for a while, after all, I was now a human living in a house of vampires.

I still didn't understand why I had so many clothes, most of them just sat in my closet. I lean against the wall and fiddle with my fingers. As soon as we got to forks I was sleeping, then walking belle, Then sleeping again. They could force me to go but not to enjoy it.

Later that night we hugged everyone goodbye then rolled the suit cases to one of the vans. Belle was coming with me, and I was going with Alice and Jasper as I didn't want to talk to my mom. It wasn't long till we reached the air port, I had to put belle in the back of the plane where she'd sleep for the rest of the ride. Settling in to my seat I plug in my headphones and drown everything out in music. It's been a few minutes before I realize a young man in his twenties I'd say is talking to me. Not wanting to be rude I yank out my headphones and listen. He was talking about a job he had gotten and was excited to do. "That sounds lovely" I say pretending I'd been listening. "Yeah it'll be great! I suppose you're in high school, so you'll know why I'm nervous about meeting the class." oh, he was a teacher. "Yeah I know what you mean, I'm just switching schools, my family's moving to forks" the man smiles. "I'm teaching at forks highschool, perhaps you'll be in my class." "Maybe." The conversation seemed to be at an end so I put my headphones on again and and slept the rest of the ride.

When the plane landed I drousily grabbed my bags and met up with the rest of my family. "Was the flight ok for you Sophia?" My mom asked trying to see if I'd talk to her. I turned my head away letting her know it wasn't happening and read the menu items on a nearby McDonald's sign as Edward – reading my thoughts – suggested we go get something to eat. I smiled as we made our way over. "We should really go visit the pack." My mom suggested. Still ignoring her, I didn't give my opinion but I agreed. It'd be nice to meet them. After I finished ordering I went and sat at table for two, putting my bags on the other chair. My mom sighed and sat at a table four down from me and I bit in to my burger.

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