Chapter 24 - School again

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Groaning I stretch my arms in the air and arch my back. Might as well take a shower before tonight I fidgured. My room was fairly large, there was a large window on furthest wall with a bench, my bed was placed near the door beside the closet, and to the right was a ensuite. Walking in to the bathroom I stripped my clothes and turned on the water. As the warm fluid cascaded down my back I thought about how I could try to be happier. This lead to thinking of how happy Seth seemed, If trued thinking optimisticly it could help. What would Seth say? I thought. Well, I was going to a gathering of some sort tonight , I could maybe meet people there , Seth said he'd be going (!!) but I couldn't like Seth. I began to list the reasons off in my head whh I couldn't like Seth . 1. He was old ( I'm not sure how old not sure I want to know) 2. He's friends with my mom who I would have to make up with eventually but not yet. 3. I can't get my heart broke again. And number 4? There was none. Only 3 reasons that honestly weren't that bad. Should I? No but could I ? Yes.

"Sophia we're leaving" my mother shouts. I sigh and decide I'll at least speak to her. Grabbing my bag with my iPhone charger I head out the door. My mind heads strait to the negative but then I start to think back to Seth and immidiatly cheer up. What was wrong with me?  Heading through the garage to my mothers silver van I remove my phone from my bag. While looking through my Instagram notifications I've noticed a user named Seth requested to follow me. My heart skips a beat as a click on it to see if it was him. The page is private but the profile distinctly has a picture of Seth holding a large fish rather happy with himself. Smiling to myself I request to follow him. He found my page, could he like me to? Getting in the car my mom peers at me suspiciously. A crimson blush creeps up my cheeks and I try to withhold a smile. "It's Seth isn't it? You like him." She beams as she pulls out of the lane way. My mouth falls open. "How did you know?" I try to sound casual but it comes out with a voice crack. Ouch. "Just a hunch." She smirks. I decided I wouldn't be mad at her anymore. I could never stay upset with her anyway. "When will we be going to La Push again?" I ask casually. The bonfire last night had been spectacular. We roasted hot dogs over the fire and Seth made me one because he had a so called "special roast." For the record it did taste better then the one I made. After we had eaten and exchanged life stories from the past few months Seth took me to the beach. He has laid down a blanket on the sand and we watched the stars together. "That ones kinda like you." He pointed to a random star. "Why? I mean it's just a hot ball of gas isn't it?" "Well yea but it's the brightest star in the sky causes everyone to just stare in awe." I wasn't quite sure what to say. "Thank you." I mumbled. I was glad it was dark and he couldn't see my bright red cheeks. "No problem." I could hear his smirk and I rolled my eyes. After his comment it was comfortably silent. Aparently to comfortable because I fell asleep. According to my mom Seth carried me home.

Arriving at the school I hoppit of the car. "Thanks mom." I call out. She smiles and waves goodbye. Heading towards to building the first thing I notice is the cars. All are very old and used. It felt almost perfect for this town. I stop for a car to pass by but before I can walk again someone's hands are over my eyes. "Whose there." I ask slightly concerned. "You gotta guess or it ruins the fun." A musky voice says with a smile. "Seth!" I turn around a bit to fast because if I had been taller I would have kissed him. Instead my mouth comes in to contact with his shoulder. I wince and cringe and hope he doesn't notice. "You're gonna need to be more careful yknow. Could end up kissing someone one day." He raises his eyebrows. Crap he noticed. "What if I want to?" I shoot back. "Well then I wish I could be that lucky guy." He says with the strangest face I've ever seen. I'm not sure how to respond to this. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. There is no way he's going to do what I think he's going to... is there? I look him strait in the eyes but then he pulls me tight to his chest in a big hug. "Have a good day at school." He says releasing me. "Ok." I sheepishly walk away. I can't believe I thought a guy like him would kiss me. Look back at his retreating fidgure I smile to myself. He looks back and notices be watching "Hey Sophia!" "Yeah?" "I know it's great and all but stop looking at my ass!" My cheeks fill with colour and I run inside the building. By now everyone had been watching. Oh thank you so much Seth for the excellent first impression you've gave people of me.


The day was slightly successful, I made a friend. One singular friend but I think I chose a good one. Her name was Anna. Her blonde curly hair and freckles along with dough brown eyes and glasses summond me in. I don't know what but soemthing told me she was kind. I expected my mom to pick me up from school but to my suprise Seth was sitting beside a truck. "Wow you really can't get enough of me huh?" Damn strait I can't he effortlessly removed my books from my hands and put them in the back of the truck. "Let's go." He patted the door and opened it for me. "You do know I can open doors right?" "A lady should never open doors. A Sophia should be treated as a princess." I try to conceal my blush with my hair again. This was becoming a problem. Seth climbed in the drivers side and started the vechile. "How was school?" He asked. Slightly startled "good." I stuttered. I could see the smirk edging up his face. "If you laugh I swear to god." "You'll what?" "I'll... well..." he was right I couldn't do anything. "That's what I thought." He laughed. "You arnt very kind to me." "Who said I had to be?" "Me." "Well, my deepest apologies madame." It took everything I had to fight the smile creeping up on me. "You're going to be the death of me." I rolled my eyes. "I think I could live with that." He smiled again. I swear I'm going to chop off his lips.

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