Chapter 6

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☆ Sophia's POV☆

"How many more stores can there be?" I grumble as we walk past a Starbucks. "Just one more!" Alice says smirking. "Why do you say it like that?" I ask curiously but also nervous at the same time since its its Alice. "Well, you want boys to notice you don't you?" Alice grins. "Uh, maybe?" I say unsure of how to answer. "Exactly!" Alice says pulling me in to a shop that's covered in pink, and white mostly. "Alice why are we in an underwear shop?" I ask. "I mean, I don't need any I've got some plus no one sees underwear it goes under clothes." I roll my eyes. "Well Sophia not the school you're going to. I got your parents to let you go somewhere diffrent since having your parents there would kind of ruin the school adventure. The place you're going is going to be loaded with sluts. So naturally you'll need to blend in." She smirks evilly. "Alice... What's a sl-" "never mind let's go!" She says dragging me further in the store.

"Try this one on too!" Alice yells from the outside of the change room while throwing over a pink laced pair of undergarments. I groan loudly so she can hear that I'm not at all happy and slip them on. They fit much to my distaste. "I'm not coming out there Alice!" I yell sitting down. "Awwww, please?" "Nope!" "Then I'm coming in! Open the door!" I groan and push back the lock. "So they do fit!" She says as soon as she gets a sight of me. "Maybe." I admit. "All the other ones fit to then I'm guessing?" I shake my head and she puts her hands on my hips. "You lied to me." She states. "But why do I even need this?! I have underwear and what is this thing?" I ask gesturing to the very very small top that look as if it was a shirt somone cut and sew'd back toghether. "It's called a bra Sophia." Alice rolls her eyes. "More like a cage." I mutter. "What's it even for?" I grumble loud enough for her to hear me. "To hold up your boobs."She says poking a finger at my chest. "What are boobs?" I ask not knowing what she's talking about. "Have you ever wondered why girls chests stick out more and boys don't?" She asks. "No." "Well it's because girls have breasts and boys don't." "Oh." "Yeah." "Why do girls have boobs?" "You'll find that out later." I tap my foot not happy that she won't tell me. "Why won't you tell me?" "Because you'll learn that in health." "Where'd everyone else go?" I ask. "They're in the food court. Now what's the size on that?" Alice asks pointing to the tag at the back of my bra (cage) "uhhh C 88." "Okay thanks." Alice says and zips off. I put my original clothes back on and walk out of the change room with the bras and underwear. Meanwhile Alice is carrying what looks as if to be the whole store. I run up to her. "Alice you can't take all those!" I whisper yell. "I can if I have money." She says taking one last one off the shelf. "Why does this even matter?" I ask annoyed. "Cause you're going to be the hot new girl." She says wiggling her eyebrows. "I swear you're going to kill me with all that." I say gesturing to the huge pile in her hands. "Oh Sophia you innocent little child. Only 6 months old!" She laughs ruffling my hair. "Hey!
Maybe technically but I don't feel 6 months old." I point out. "True." Is all she says before placing the pile on the desk for the cashier to check out. The cashier is a strawberry blonde girl wearing all orange. "Your outfit is uh intresting." Alice says wrinkling her nose. "I know I look like a giant freakin orange! It's so unattractive!" Aunt Alice whispers somthing under her breath but smiles. "That will be 899$" the cashier says. Alice pays her and we walk to the food court with two huge bags.

Alice turns towards me. "I'm going to McDonalds. Do you want anything in particular?" "No I don't care just get anything." I answer before handing her my two bags and walking over to the table where my mom is sitting. "Mom where's Ren and Jessica?" I ask sliding in to the booth. "They're at home. Carlisles still fidguring out what they should do." She replys in between bites of her burger. "They could be our distant cousins who are living with us while they look for a job." I suggest. "Maybe."

No one seems in the mood to talk  today so when Alice comes with chicken nuggets for me I eat right away. "Time to go get your stuff Soph." Bella says to me. I'd tried calling her Grandma once but she said that made her feel old and told be to call her Bella. In return I told her she could call me Soph.

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