Chapter 4

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I'm pregnant! "Congratulations!" Esme says and goes back to designing. I turn to Alice. "We need to go shopping." Alice jumps excitedly I grabs my hand pulling me to her porche. Alright so we need presents for everyone in the family. Also Baggie sweaters for you, right?" "Right!" Alice pounds on the gas pedal and we zoom out the drive way too the mall.

As soon as we arrive Alice opens the passenger door. "You need to take it easy. You're pregnant after all!" I grin and step out. "Alice, how do you think I was able to tell if I was pregnant not even after 24 hours?" She shrugs and continues walking towards the doors.

While we walk down isles I pick out a giant sparkly purple bouncy ball for Sophia and a purple guitar. She'd have to learn to play.

Alice takes a MacBook for everyone and new DVDs.

I take a painting set for Nicholi with 45 brushes and 227 diffrent colours. A giant rubix cube that's five times the size of the original for my dad. Books for my mom. Jeep tires and a cover for the spare wheel that has spider man with the middle finger sticking up for Emmet. Clothes for Jasper. Medical equipment for Carlisle. Nail polish and weaves for Jess. Shoes, bath bombs, a flat screen TV, and perfumes for Ren. An intirior design booklet and a 500$ gift card to ikea for Esme and somhow I snuck in a 2.000$ gift card for Alice.

Where too now? I ask as we cross the parking lot. "Home, we have to wrap gifts." Alice says in a duh tone. I look down at my stomach. Already it looks bigger and has stretch marks. "Wow, that was fast" I gasp. Alice looks too. "We need to take you to Carlisle" Alice says taking my hand ur urgently.

As soon as Alice pulls in the drive way I'm being carried at vampire speed to the house. "Carlisle!" Alice shouts bringing me too a room with a hospital bed and monitor. Somone must have told Carlisle while we were gone about the pregnancy.

Immidiatly Carlisle appears at the door way. His eyes travel to my stomach. He frowns at the tiny bump. "Alice start up the computer" he says while smearing blue guk on my stomach. "Two steps ahead off you." She says smiling. He takes the monitor and scans it quickly. Rushing over to the computer he gasps. "What?" I say nervously. "Incredible" he breaths printing the image. "Here" he says still astonished while handing me the paper. On the paper, are four tiny bean like images. "Are those all... Mine?" "Yes" Carlisle says back to his normal calm state but a smile still set on his lips. I grins and run from the room to my room where Nicholi is folding clothes. I slam the paper in front of him. He immidiatly notices the four miniature baby's. "There's four?" I nod and jump up and down. He smiles. "They left the name box for you." He says and gestures towards a tiny shoe box on my pillow. "Thanks" I say taking it, and the paper and shoe box then running towards Jess and Ren's room.

"Four of them!" I tell bursting through there door. "How the hell is that even possible." Jess exclaims loudly. "Shhh Sophia is down the hall!" Jess rolls her eyes but continues gawking at the paper.

"How the hell are vampires real?" I say feeling the need to defend my unborn baby's. Jess rolls her eyes again, "Sophia's down the hall Renesmee" she mimicks. I put my hands on my hips. "Not. Funny." "I thought it was." Ren says speaking for the first time between giggles.

"Annnyyyyway." I mumble while they roll around laughing. "Let's pick names!" I blurt in attempt to stop there laughing. It works. "Did you bring the box?" Jess asks sitting up immidiatly. I nod and slip it on the bed.

We sort through a couple names and have picked out names for one girl and one boy. In the past five hours my belly expanded a tiny bit and Jess and Ren are talking about how they're going to witness a baby for the first time. Both claim that since it's a vampire/human baby it's diffrent. The names we picked out were Vanessa and Nicholas.

"I got a girl name!" Ren turned to me excitedly. "Shoot!" "Jac!" She says smiling. "Who would that be after though?" "Your boy best friend that isn't Nicholi idiot" she rolls her eyes. "Jacob?" "Bingo!"
"Ok sure why not, ok so we have two boy names and one girls names. What if they're all girls or boys?!" "Then we're all doomed!" Jess says and falls flops from her sitting position on the bed and pretends to dramatically die. "That's a little harsh!" I laugh. While Jess still lays dead unfazed Ren and I think of girl names. How about Ellanore?" I ask Ren. She nods and smiles. "I like that one!" Jess says finally popping up. "Me too!" Ren agrees. "Alright so it's set! Unless it's four boys or fours girls". "Oh god please no!" Jess frowns and lays on her pillow. "You really hate boys don't you?" I ask and she nods a grimaces. "I didn't have much experience with them as a human but it's hard pretending to be straite. One guy assumed and well back then it wasn't ok to be you know, diffrent so I guess it was kind of a relief I got changed. I mean I could've been shot or somthing. People were crazy were I lived!" She winces at the memory.

"Why would they have shot you?" I ask curiously. I was never told about laws in the past and only knew the present so I was genuinely curious. "Back then... It wasn't ok to be diffrent in that way. It was illegal in some places in fact." She sighs. I frown. I couldn't have imagined that.. Being always threatened with death for just trying to be happy. "Wow that's harsh." I say truly meaning it. "What about you? You're my grandma but you're also Ren the sixteen year old who was here before my grandma died. How does that work?" Ren inhales a sharp breath making me feel as if I don't know her whole story.

"I died." She says after what feels like forever. "What?!" Jessica asks as if she read my mind. Ren sighs. "I died, I had recently broke up with my boyfriend who I knew was a player... I thought I could change his ways.. I was wrong. He played me with three other girls and I was heart broken. He even invited me to have a threesome. I was discusted but most of all I felt betrayed. My mom had died in a car crash and well... My dad had already left us. I was on my own. I became depressed and jumped. I think it's crazy now. Having those suisidal thoughts but at the time all I could think about was how I wanted to get rid of the pain... I though maybe just maybe, if I jumped it would all go away so I did. I jumped into a highway. I died. At least I thought I had. But somthing came over me and I woke up. I never will truely understand how I'm two people but one. I guess I'm just happy I'm here now." She smiles and Jess and I hug her. I feel sad now knowing my best friends pasts. What they had to go through. How I though I'd been he most unlucky person ever but hearing there storys now makes me feel terrible.

Five hours and two snacks later Carlisle approaches me in the living room. "Renesmee I'm afraid since there's four baby's they'll come faster and very fast I may add. They could possibly be here by the end of the week" I grin. "Awsome!" He smiles too and continues. "I'll be able to tell the genders by tomorrow if you like." "That'd be great thanks!" I say and yawn. "I'm gonna go to sleep now I'll see you in the morning grandpa" I say and walk upstairs. "It makes me feel old when you say that!" He shouts up after me. "Because you are!" I shout back not even bothering to turn around. Before I go to my room I turn to Sophia's. She's playing Mario kart in the corner of her bedroom. Recently she'd been practicing to try and beat Emmet. She finishes her last race stands up and does a victory dance. I smile. "It's time for you to go to sleep now" I say and she spins around turning deep red. "Ok mom" she says and obediently climbs into bed. "Goodnight Sophia" I reply flickering off the lights. "Night" she yawns. I shit her door and tip-toe away. Tommorrow would be a good day I could feel it.

A/N sorry for the shitty chapter I'm tired and have school tomorrow (unfortunately) so that's my lane exuse🙃 what do you think of my names? Do you love them? Do you hate them?


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