Chapter 11

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"Hello dear." She replys smiling.
"Holy sh-" I cut Mya off by glaring at her.

"Well technically I'm your great grandma but call me what you wish." She says folding her hands on her lap. "Are you a ghost?" Mya asks looking more pale if that's even possible. My grandmother nods clearly amused. "You of all people would know the dead don't truly die. Wouldn't you Diana?" She raises her head looking Mya strait in the eye. Mya doesn't reply. Slowly she says "I have no clue what you're talking about." "I think you know exactly what I'm talking about Diana Myan Mason." She says lifting her chin while smirking.

Mya or Diana shrinks behind me a bit and swallows loudly. "What do you want Elizebeth?" Mya asks as if somthing nasty was in her mouth and she didn't like the taste of it. My grandmother frowns. "Oh nothing Diana just to join my son, his wife, and granddaughter in this life. But no. You refused to turn Edward and I to vampires causing me to have to ask Carlisle. And by then only Edward could continue living." She fires back.

Mya suddenly walks towards her angrily. "Havn't we had this chat before? You were to hard for me to turn. I wouldn't turn Edward because if I couldn't turn you it wouldn't be fair." Mya says angrily. "I'm your bloody sister for crying out loud how could it be to hard to turn me?!" My grandmother stands up fuming. I gasp and so does my mother and Esme who I just noticed standing on the other side of the room. "That's exactly why. If I messed up how could I live with the guilt of killing my only living sister? Juliana and Jamie were dead from the stupid car accident! I wasn't about to kill the last sibling I had just because she wanted to be a vampire!" Mya roars. I was scared. Truly scared.

"You know what? I'm leaving!" Mya shouts and storms out. My grandmother stills stays unfazed and fixes her gaze on me. "You might want to go after her." She says calmly. I nod and dash after Mya. I had better get some answers.

《 Renesmee's POV》

"Grandma?" I ask anxiously. Shuffling forward a bit. She turns from looking at the spot where Sophia had just been standing and smiles at Esme and I. Slowly she floats over. "I suppose you would like some answers?" She asks. Esme – who seems unfazed by this – and I nod and smile. In return my grandma sighs. "Well you see, it's all started when your father was four years old. My youngest sister Diana or as you know her, Mya, went on a trip. She decided to go to Italy." I suck in air as she says the last part.

She looks away in the distance before going back to looking at me. "Yes, the Volturi took her. Back then one of them could tell the power of a human if it were to be a vampire or if it would have powers at all. Diana thought it would be fun to be a vampire. At the time she was only 18. So they turned her. Her trip was to last one week so by the time she came back, she seemed normal. Almost that is. Her form seemed more sturdy and her face was more defined. Ovcourse she was beautiful before but when she came back it seemed as though her beauty increased. Her nose was slimmer, her hair more shiny, although one thing that was odd was her eyes. She never looked anyone strait in the eye and always  faced the other direction or closed her eyes. At the time it made no sense. Five days later she claimed to be feeling ill. She would eat but could barely swallow. That too, now makes sense. Now remember that was the time when the Spanish influenza had started and the rest of us thought she caught it. On the sixteenth day she faked her death. Only one month later our mother passed away. Our father had already been dead due to a car accident so it was only Edward and I left. Then we caught the disease and were slowly dieing. A day before we were taken to hospital, Diana came back. I ovcourse was shocked. Edward was in his room sleeping and I was listening to the news on the radio in the living room when she just showed up! She explained what had happened and that she regretted it. Two days later I asked her to change Edward and I. She denied. I could tell one of the doctors at the hospital was a vampire due to the similar traits to Diana. I was always extremely observant. No one could slip a thing by me. Anyway after I died they dumped my body in the ocean." She finishes.

Astonished I widen my eyes. That would mean I was related to Mya. Then somthinb else clicked. Why is she here? "Um, I don't mean to sound rude or anything but why are you here?" I ask.

Her face turns hard and she stares at me blankly. "Because he's back."

A/N hey guys so sorry this is extremely tiny but well I'm going on a cruise for March break and I'm currently writing this in the car. I think I'll write one or two more chapters to publish when I get back but for now ya... Anyway so the scenery is extremely pretty so I'll put a picture after this note. Also how do you think Renesmee will react to Aro being back? And what will Mya's power be? Also I think I'll make this book maybe 25 chapters because all my ideas are for the next book in this series. (Im going to extend It to 9 books) and then I'll be done. Anyway I think when I do the epilogue part I might do a contest thing where you guys submit the end part for the final book because I SUCK at writing epilogues. So ya. Anyway here's a picture.

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Anyway there ye go so ya

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Anyway there ye go so ya. Comment, share and click the star thingy. Byeeeee
~Lester 💅🏻

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