Chapter 17 - Hunting

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I NEED YOUR HELP! I've entered my book "my sister the badass." In wattys2016 and would appreciate if you guys could check it out 😘

Dedicated to Always_a_slytherin for blessing me with good books ♡

Sophias POV*




"Ye-." "Fight me." "I'll win." He smirks and I roll my eyes. "Emmet just leave her alone." My mom says rolling her eyes at both of us. "But she lost!" He lies complaining about how I had one our race even as a human. (Ok so maybe I lost but he doesn't need to know that) "and your point is?" My mom asks kissing my dad on the cheek. Ew. "That now she has to shave her eyebrow off." "AW HELL NO." I yell at the top off my lungs kicking him with my toes. As they crumple against his rock hard skin I suck in a deep breath as the pain jolts through my body. A scream fills the air, and I look around to see where it came from. Oh wait, that was me. I let out a whimper of pain as Carlisle rushes over to help. "Sophia, may I look at your foot?" He asks lifting my leg slowly trying not to hurt me. I weakly nod and lay my head back on the ground. As he unthreaded my laces and pulls them out completely I feel him lift out my foot. I hear a few gasps around me and Vanessa screams. How bad could it really be? Propping myself I lean over to look and gasp. My foot is all purple in certain area and blood is flowing out of it freely. "In going to get bandages, Edward, could you stay here with her? Everyone else should continue hunting so we don't hurt her." I knew what he meant by 'hurt her' as I used to be a half vampire, I had obviously smelled appealing. But not in the way blood had. Now that I was human. That same scent was still in me just in my blood. I smelled the same way to every single one of them, and I smelled worse then Nani Bella! They all nod and go to hunt while Edward stayed with me.

We wait silently for a few seconds before Edward picks up somthing in the woods and his nostrils flare. "Stay right here, ok?" He says before running in to the forest. "Where else would I go." I mutter before lying my head on the ground.

I watch as the clouds pass by. Some look like different things such as a dinosaur, a strawberry, and other random things.

Then, as soon as they were there, there gone. A dark fidgure, darker then a shadow leans over me. And suddenly, I feel very very frightened.

Gulping down air I go to take another breath but a pair of hands stop me. Choking me. The hands lift me in to the air meanwhile I'm struggling for air. Only now do I get a good look at the dark fidgure. Up close, her skin is pale white, and her hair is platinum blonde. I know her, somhow...

We stay like this for several more minutes till I'm litrally purple all over. A small smirk flickers into her mouth and I'm wishing, hoping that I can just die and the pain will go away. A snap coming from the woods seems to distracts her but before I can turn my head, a dizziness fills me and Im gone.


Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep slowly opening my eyes I pear around. I recognized the room immidiatly. The same hospital room I had been in a few days ago.  Why was I hear? I try to look around and notice it's hard to move my head. Only then do I realize I have a neck brace on. Why... Oh! The flashbacks immidiatly come and I cringe and wish to fall asleep again. Who was that girl? Why was haw trying to kill me? So many questions fill my head. Questions I hoped I'd find the answer to when I woke up again. I thought to myself before drifting in to a dreamless slumber

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