Chapter 18 ~Mya's Perspective~

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Struggling I continue to try and get out of Cole's steal grasp but he just wouldn't let go! "Let me go!" I shriek at the top of my lungs. "I'll spit on you." This just makes Cole role his eyes and tighten his grip. Gritting my teeth I continue to walk. Now you may be wondering where I am and why. Well, let's see... I'm Sophias best friend, I'm the only thing they can use against Sophia without messing with there coven again so...

"Can I tell you somthing?" I ask not really caring what the answer is. "No." "I'm going to say it anyway." "I know." "You're an ugly looking vampire." He rolls his eyes and I stick out my tongue. Cole despite your recent thoughts, was going to help me. He promised, and I would hold him to it. He would get me out so I could warn Sophia. Then we would all go to aunt Artica or somthing like that.


"Bring her to me." Aro commands. I knew what he's try to do. Read my thoughts. To bad for him, because like Bella, I was a shield. Not as powerful, but it would protect me. As Aro placed his hand on my a I glared at him. I wanted that ratty thing off me. Now. "Odd." He speaks cocking his head slightly to the side and staring of in the distance, before I slap off his hand. Like a snail he turns his head to stare me in the eye. Way to be dramatic. "No one disrespects an elder." Is all he says before Coles brother Harrison grabs my next prepared to snap it at any point. As frightened as I feel inside I stare calmly back at Aro. Like I could care less. His expressionless face then becomes joyful like a kid in a candy shop. "I have an idea." He speaks slowly. "Take her to the cell. She can wait there for her precious friend Sophia." Gulping air I turn to cole for help. He doesn't even acknowledge me. Instead he just stares in the distance and before I know it, I'm being hauled to the cell , and trust me, the name does no justice to the horrors in that thing.

A/N hey look I updated for once I'm proud although it's short af. So therefor when I update this the next chapter comes with so if your on ur mobile device them just keep scrolling. Or sliding. Idfk what setting you have.

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