Its Over

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I reached into my purse and pulled out a gun the last thing I heard was a BOOM!

Rika POV
11:46 am

Everyone screamed as we all heard a gunshot and everyone stopped in there place.
"Get off my best friend....NOW!" TT said pointing the gun at Taj. He got off of Nicki and moved away from the bed. Nicki ran and put her clothes back on and got her bag and we walked out of the house and got in the car and drove off.

"Nic are you ok?" I said as I held her she was shaken up.
"Just take me home." She said til shaking.


When we got home Nicki went upstairs and laid down in her bed. We all came in and confronted her. She was crying and we just sat there for an hour holding her then her phone rang. And I picked it up.
"It's Meek, you wanna talk to him?" She shook her. "Nika talk to him you gotta tell him what happened!"
"No not right now...I can't talk about this." She buried her head in TT's neck. I walked out the room and answered it anyway.

Phone Convo...
"Hey Meek."
"Who's this?"
"It's Nic's friend Rika you need to get over here. Now!"
"What? What happened?"
"We'll explain when you get here just hurry cuz Nic really needs you."
We both hung up.

I walked back in the room and Nicki was sleep. Me, TT, and Keisha walked out the room and let her sleep. We all went to one of our rooms.

"Poor Nika...TT why didn't you just shoot him." Keisha asked with a perplexed facial expression.
"Cuz I thought of a plan and Meek's is the right person for the job." She gave us an evil grin. 10 minutes later Meek was at the door. I went to go answer the door.

"Hey Meek come in." I opened the door more so he could enter the house.
"Where is she?" He said worried.
"Upstairs but wait we need to tell you what happened. Because knowing her she's too shaken up and she won't tell you."
"Ok." We talk to him and told him what happened. As we told him his face turned red. It was red than a mothafucka.
"What's his name?"
"Tajsir." As soon as I said that he was done he went upstairs and went into her room.

Nicki POV
1:56 pm

I was having a bad dream I couldn't wake up from and I was crying inside.

(Dream• "Leave Me Alone. Get off of me." Tears started falling down my face. Taj was gripping my up hitting me and forcing me upstairs. He knocked me out and took me to the bedroom. He ripped off my clothes and slid In me going hard. Taj was raping again and at that time no one was around to help me. Then I heard someone calling my name. NO NO STOP)

"ONIKA!" Meek said shaking me as I finally woke up. And I started crying and he held me.
"W-what are you d-doing here?"
"Your friends said you need me and they told me what happened and Ima handle that."
"Baby don't!"
"I have to he hurt you and he took something from me so i has to pay him a lil visit." He kissed my forehead and walked out the bedroom. And I followed him downstairs and said "I'm coming with you."
"No Nic you've been through enough know let me come Meek!"
"And let us come to we have something for the son of a bitch." We all head to the car and drove to his house on the way he called his friends.
"I got him met me at the warehouse." And he hung up that phone and pulled up to the house.
"Wait here ok." And we stayed in the car.
A few minutes later he came back with a trash bag and open the trunk put it in and close it and got back in the car. Then we drove to this warehouse. We got out the car and Meek took the bag out the car. We went inside and the was a chair he laid the bag on the car and took the person out the bag. It was Taj and he was knocked out. He tied him up then got a bucket of water and poured it on him and he woke up.
"Wake up you lil bitch!" He said angrily.
"What am I doing here?"
"You bout to pay for hurting my girl and shooting my man's."
"Oh shit."
"Yeah so any last words?"
"Yeah...FUCK YOU ONIKA!" And Meek punched him.
Next thing you know meek and his friends attacked him leaving bruises and scars and blood running down everywhere. And my friends they joined in and then they stopped.
"Is there something you wanna say to Onika before you died nigga." Meek said holding a gun to Taj's head.
"I'm sorry." He said at a low whisper.
"I can't hear you!" He said clocking it back.
"I'm sorry!" And Meek slapped him with that gun.
"Can I do the honors Meek?" TT asked.
"Sure. Be my guess."
Meek handed TT the gun and she got herself ready. BOOM! "This one is for Cheating." BOOM! "This one is for Rapeing." "And Nika you do one?"
"I don't think I can."
"Yes you can take out your anger." She handed me the gun and I clocked it back.
BOOM! "And this one is for being a dumbass!"
Taj took his left breath and died.
"Didn't that feel good?" They asked.
"Yea but I still kind of feel bad."
"Why you feel bad for that nigga?"
"Its just sad to see someone die. That's all over then that I'm glad that motherfucka is died."
"Ok good. So what are we gonna do with the body?" Keisha asked.

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Sorry for any errors💕
Shoutouts to my friends who are like these characters.
Rika👯- KiKi
Keisha🔥- Allie

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