Its Coming

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8 month later...
Nicki POV
It's been wonderful with lil bumps in the road but we got through it all. We gotta away with the deaths of everyone and we've moved passed it. I'm now ready to have this baby and it should be any day now before it come. Me and meek was spending time with his family at his little niece's birthday party.
"Sweety, you ok?" Mama Kathy asked me.
"Yea mom I'm fine. Where'd Rihmeek go?" She looked around.
"Oh he's over there with the kids."
"Ok. Thanks." As soon as she walked away Meek came running over.
"You ok baby."
"Yea I'm just thirsty can u get me a water."
"Sure baby." He walked to go get me some water. And Na walked over.
"Hey sis. You good?"
"Yeah I'm fine. How are you I haven't seen you in a while how've you been?"
"I've been good just tryna deal with my baby girl and he lazy ass baby dad." I chuckled.
"Yea. I can't with men not handling they business."
"Umhmm. But what you've been up to I missed you."
"I'm good I'm ready to get this baby out. I'm hurting everywhere and girl I've been messy. I'm not myself." She laughed.
"Girl I hear ya. When I had Denim I wasn't myself either."
"Yeah that's why I stayed away from your crazy ass." Meek chimed in causing me to laugh as he handed me my water and Na pushed him in the arm. "Ouch."
"That's what you get lil bro."
"You the one that had the mood swings I didn't have to deal with a lot of them with her." He said referring to me.
"Stop it y'all two." I said laughing.
"It's almost time to go so I'll see y'all later."
"Ok bye Na."
"Bye big sis." She hugged us both and then went to go find Denim. 5 minutes as I was about to get in the car Denim came running to me.
"Auntie Nic don't live without giving me a hug."
"Aww come here." She hugged me tightly and then we pulled back.
"When am I gonna see you again."
"Soon DeDe I promise. You be good, ok?"
"Ok. I love you auntie!"
"I love you too. Go to mommy." Denim ran to Na as me and Meek got in the car and drove off. I car ride was peaceful and silent. We just sat there as our hands were interlocked with one another. As soon as we got in the drive way he help me out and we got in the house. We went straight upstairs and took off our clothes and got into something comfortable. We were cuddling in bed til Rihmeek spoke up.
"So I can wait for our baby to come out."
"Yea and i think we finally got the perfect name. With help from no body. But I'm glad." He kissed me on the forehead and we drifted off to sleep into each other's arms.
11:47 pm
I woke up and I felt like I was gonna pee on myself so I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could and my stomach was sending sharp intense pains. I couldn't make it and wetted myself and it turned out my water just broke. I walked back to the bedroom and tried to wake Meek up. As I tried to shake him I started to have another contraction and scream to the top of my lungs it was too make pain to handle. Meek jumped right up as he heard me scream and slowly fell to the ground.
"Baby! What's going on?"
"My. water. just broke. I need . u to take me. to the hospital. now!" He quickly got some clothes on and got the emergency bag I packed just in case."
14 minutes...
"Nurse I need your help my wife's going to labor."
"Here we got her." The nurses got me on a stretcher as I screamed in pain and them and Meek were rushing me to a room. Two minutes later a doctor came in and told me that I was 5 centimeters dilated so in 10 minutes I can start pushing. They told me that I couldn't have drugs and I had to do it naturally so not only was I in pain I was pissed to. 10 minutes later I started pushing and I felt like it wasn't working. It was too much for me and I was bout ready to quit.
"Baby I can't do it no more."
"Baby yes you can just give to two more good pushes and you're done. Come on baby you can do this." He kissed my forehead and I nodded. I have it too more pushes and the baby was out. I was relieved and out of breath.
30 minutes later...
I was knocked out but woke up when they bring me my baby.
"She's in perfect health and congratulations. You'll are one refectory family." The doctor said.
"Thank you." I said as the nurse gave me my baby and I held he looking at her beautiful brown eyes.
"So what's it's name?"
"Her name is London Ayana-Marie Williams."
"What a beautiful name."
As I stared into my beautiful baby's eyes I was truly happy. Everything was right in the world and all the drama was done and over with. I searched and found the right one or let's say he found me.
                    THE END
That's the end y'all but don't worry I'll be coming out with a new book so be on the look out and see y'all on the flip side😋
Yannie signing off😘

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