Wildin Out

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**The Girls Outfits**
Nicki POV
4:04 pm

Well just finished getting our hair and nails done and since we didn't wanna go home yet we decided to go shopping for dresses. We went to the mall and went to different stores to find the perfect dress.
"What about this one?" CC asking walking out the dressing room with yet another dress her picked out. This was the fourth store we've been to and no one found the right dress.
"I don't know." I put my lips to the side of my mouth and had this questionable look on my face. She was wearing black dress with no sleeves and backless with straps and black red bottom heels. "It looks gorgeous but...you know what I love it...get it!"
"Yeah you should!" Keisha said.
"Everyone in favor that she should get the dress say I" TT said looking at everyone.
"I" we said in unison raising our hands. She smiled walking back into the room to change outta the dress.
"Ok you're turn Ke." She had about two dresses in her head. She came out with the first one and she didn't like it. She came out with the second one and we were stunned. She came out with a nice red fitted long sleeved backless dress with red heels.
"Baby girl you better work!" I said saying it with sassiness.
"Shut up I'm older than you!" She said and we all laughed. And my phone rung it was our old friend Sevyn so I picked it up.
Phone Convo....
"Hey love! I missed you!"
"Hey girl I missed you too! How are you?"
"Good. Guess who I'm standing here with and where we are standing?"
"Hold on!" I put her on speaker phone...guys come here guess who's on the phone?"
"Hey hoes!"
"Ahhhhhh...hey girl!" They all said in sync."Long time and we haven't heard from you."
"Well guess who I'm here with after 5 years? Say hey....(hey y'all!" Four voices said all in sync.)"
"Omg...Yoncè! Katy! Jazmine! Alicia! How are you guys?" Keisha yelled.
"Good. We all missed y'all and guess what?"
"What?" We all said in unison.
"We're back in L.A. On are way to Georgia!"
"Omg that's great but we're actually in LA right now this is our last nice you guys should come hang with us."
"Ok our flight isn't until tomorrow morning anything so we're are you now?"
"We're at the mall trying to find dresses but you can met us here cuz it's gonna take forever."
"Yeah cuz you know how we do and plus we need a new outfit too so we'll be this in 10 what store?"
"Forever 21"
"Ok see y'all!"
End Convo...
After we got off the phone I tried on the dress I had and it was perfect. I got a black and white two piece with a little revealed and black Loui-Vuitton. Rih, TT and Rika still didn't find they dresses yet so we paid for our dresses and went to the next store. As soon as we walked out we bumped into Sevyn and the gang so we all headed to the next store. We went into H&M and they all found some cute clothes. TT got a white and black dress kinda like mines but a one piece with long sleeves. Rih got this cute pink fitted dress with some revealing and Rika got a pink fitted dress but it was strapless with white and black designs on it. And then Sevyn and the squad got themselves some cute ass dress to kind off match everyone of us. They bought the dresses and then we headed back to my mom's house.


"Mom we're home and guess who we brung!?" I said yelling as we y'all walked into the living room and my mom came out the kitchen.
"Mama Carol!" Sevyn and them screamed hugging mom one by one.
"Hi my babies! Y'all finally coming back how was Europe and school in Parìs?"
"It was great and we miss you. I'm so glad we're finally back home!" Jazmine said.
"Well I missed y'all too! Come and eat cuz I know y'all gonna need all the energy y'all can get cuz knowing you all. Y'all like to party hard." My mom said laughing.
"Yeah. Come y'all!" I said as everyone walked into the dining room to eat. My mom made a whole thanksgiving dinner then again she does it all the time I'm down here cuz I always have my girls with me.

8:14 pm

We were about to head out to The Vortex and everyone was waiting for me and Beyoncè because we're the two people that take the longs to do our makeup.
"Come on you two we don't have all day!" Alicia said.
"Hold on we almost ready." I said finishing my eyeliner while Bey finished putting on her lipstick. We came down the stairs and we all walked out the door and got in the cars.

13 minutes later....

We pulled up to the club and gave the keys to the valet and walked inside. We walked to the VIP lounge. We got access because Meek was friends with the owner. So we got our own table most of us order drinks and CC and Katy ordered virgin drink because they were still under aged but only by a year and plus they weren't much of the drinking types.
"So tell us about everything. How was it in Parìs?" Keisha asked.
"It's been one hell of a joy ride." Bey said.
"Yeah it has I mean we got to learn French." Jazzy said.
"We got to see the festivals that have there for the Fourth of July." Alicia said.
"And we got to see Bey perform her first gag with her hubby." Sevyn said.
"Oh yeah I heard about that I forgot to tell you I was so proud of you and where's the man of yours anyway?" I asked Bey.
"He went to his mom's in Brooklyn. But he's meeting up with me in Georgia tomorrow."
"Oh ok."
"Oh and we forgot to tell y'all Nic got herself a new man." TT said.
"Oh really! When did this happen?" Sevyn said with sass.
"A week ago." Keisha said.
"Damn just tell all my business!"
"Wait you and my brother broke up?!" CC said.
"Yeah. Sorry lil sis. It's cool maybe that's why my brother's missing."
"He's missing?!" Bey said surprised.
"Yeah but he be back sooner or later." Me, TT, Rika and Ke just sipped our drinks.
"We'll tell you the story later when she's not around tell the others." I whispered in Bey ear. And she told Sev, Jaz, and Lica. Two hours later, we were all on the dance floor and "My Way" came on and the hold club was lit. By that time we'll all had our shoes off dancing on each other and we were all drunk as hell except for CC and Katy. After that song went off me and Taj's song came on "There Goes My Baby." Eventhough it was my song before I meant him I couldn't help but be sad and mad at the same time. TT looked at me and she grabbed my hands.
"Baby girl it's ok I know you still love him eventhough he hurt you. But it's ok you don't have to worry about him no more he's dead h-" She said before being interrupted.
"My brother's dead?!" CC said and me and TT gasped I didn't know that she was going to say next. "TT what did you just say?!" And we froze there. "Nicki what happened!? Is there something y'all aren't telling me?" They rest of the crew heard CC because she got louder everytime she ask and Rika and Keisha froze also.
"Where's my brother? What happened to him?!"
CC asked and we just froze.

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