Trouble in Paradise

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Nicki POV
5:00 am
It was 5 in the morning and there was a banging on the door. I woke up and put on my robe and walked down stairs. I opened the door and two cops were there.

"Hello officers is there anything i can help you with."

"Yes we're looking for a man and woman by the name of Robert Williams And Onika Williams. Are they here?"

"Well...ummmm...that's me" At that moment Meek came down the stairs still a little dowsy.

"Babe? who's that?" He said and at that moment the police took action.

" Robert Rihmeek Williams. You are under arrest for 3 counts of murder for Ciara Princess Harris, Tajsir Danger Carter, and Fah Lily Harris and for having and disturbing illegal drugs such as coke, maji, and more. And Onika Tanya Maraj Williams you're under arrest for helping with the murder of Tajsir Danger Carter. You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire." I had a worried look on my face as the police walked us to the car and put us in the back. As they drove to the station i looked at Meek wondering what we're gonna do. He just keep mouthing 'be calm'. When we got there they put us in our cells and we were separated. I was sitting in a holding cell with others locked up 2 of them were some what hookers, 1 dresses like a thug (she might be gay note to self) and 3 were druggies. This being my first time in a holding cell i didn't know what to expect so i stayed quiet and sat in the corner. The thug girl walked up to me and started to play with my hair.

"Hola chica. What's a pretty little puppet like you doing here and with barely any clothes on." she said trying to touch me. i started to slap her hands away.

"Don't touch me." she smirked.

"O. Feisty aren't we. I love the feisty types." i started yelling and screaming as she was touching me trying to get my bra off. One of the officers came and spoke to her.

"Victoria stop messing with the fresh meat." she stopped messing with me and sat down somewhere else. Then another office came and called me.

"Onika you get one phone called you have five minutes."

"Thank you." the first person i called was TT because i know she was up. The phone rung and she answered on the third ring.

Phone Convo-


"TT. I need your help."

"Nika what's wrong?"

"Me and Meek were arrested."


"Yeah i need you to bail us out now. I can't take it here. I don't need to get turned out in here."

"OK girl im on my way the money still in the same place?"

"Yeah. You remember the pin."

"Yeah ill be there in a little just hang in there."

End Convo

25 minutes later...

We finally got out and i was ready to go back to sleep. TT took us home and we talked about everything. We had to go to court because we got put on trial but we got to get out. Right now i don't know what the hell is going to happened but i know that i have to take out some days at the stop so TT was gonna take control for me. We then got back into bed and cuddled and went back to sleep. and all i could think is what's gonna happen next. We were having a good life and we got a baby on the way and now this shit happened. Ima need Jesus and i need to talk to my mom and my dad it's been i while but ill need to reach out. That all i could think about in my sleep.


Hey guys this is just a MINI UPDATE ill try to to give yall more soon to everyone taking keystones good luck cuz we all gonna need it but love yall Vote Comment and Share. and can't wait to get this baby on a road. and i will try to also update my other book. Sorry for any errors. and lately ive been typing on my computer so things might changed and there might be a little more errors but hope yall enjoying the book. give some feedback and see yall later.

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