Still I Rise

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Nicki POV
1:21 am

We had just got anyway from all the madness. And I started to sense a sharp pain  on my side.
"Ahhhhhh..." I screamed.
"Nicki it's ok your safe now." TT said.
"No my side it hur-" I paused as I lifted my hand seeing blood I checked my side and I was shot.
"Omg Ke! Nic got hit!"
"Omg we have to get her to a hospital." At that moment Keisha stepped on that gas pedal and  drove to the nearest hospital. The hospital door burst open with me in a carrier and nurses and my friends on the side.
"Nic stay with us!" TT cried.
"Don't go into the light!" Rika hollered.
"Be strong Nic you're gonna be ok." Keisha said. And those words the last words I heard when I closed my eyes.

Rika POV
2:31 am

It's been almost over an hour and my bestfriend still didn't come outta surgery. I was scared but I knew Nic would pull through I knew she was strong enough to pull through. I had texted Tak but I didn't get a reply. 5 minutes later Meek and the gang came in the doors. I ran to Tak embracing him while crying.
"I'm so glad your here." I said crying in his chest.
"Baby it's gonna be okay." Tak said rubbing my back calming me down.
"Where's Nic?" Meek asked TT worried.
"She's still in surgery it's been over an hour." I said still crying.
"Well is she-" Meek stopped talking once the doctor came out of the room.
"The Family Of Onika?"
"Yes right here. Is she gonna be ok Doctor??" Keisha said.
"Well she suffer some a lil trauma to the head previous to the bullet wound. And her blood pressure was high but we got it to go down. And she lose some blood but she'll survive and she is ready to have visitors but she's sleeping. But before you go in I need to ask y'all a question. Was she taken or raped in the last few hours because there where signs of struggling and there were rope marks on her skin." At that moment I was mad as hell when the doctor told us that. I was gonna make sure to take care of CC's ass I don't care if that was my friend or should I say so called friend cuz no one I know would do something like that.
"Well she was taken we just got her back. But we don't know what they did to her." TT spoke up.
"Ok well she's in room 236 and y'all have a good night."
"You too." And the doctor walked off as we went to Nika's room.

Nicki POV
3:02 am

I woke up slowly opening my eyes I thought it was all just a bad dream but sadly it wasn't. I looked around the room and I was hooked up to all these machines and my side my hurting badly. I have bandages in my head and my right side. Before I could close my eyes again I saw Meek and TT run into the room like literally.

"Baby!" Meek said running next to me.
"Yes baby." I said cupping his face with one hand.
"You ok?" He said looking into my eyes.
"Yeah I'm fine. Where's everyone?" I asked TT.
"They right here." And everyone came into the room.
"Nika I thought I was gonna lose you." Rika said hugging me.
"Don't kill her now remember she still has that wound." Keisha said.
"Shut up!" Rika said letting go.
"So what did the doctor say?" I asked Meek.
"He said you'll be fine just a lil damage." And I gave a sigh of relief.
"Y'all can me and Nic be alone for a second?" Meek asked and everyone left out.
"What what's wrong?" I said worried.
"What did they do to you back there?" He asked and I just got scared thinking of what happened. I didn't want him killing someone else.
"N-Nothing. They just tied me up." I said giving him an uneasy look.
"Nic don't lie to me what happened. DID THEY RAPE YOU??" I gave him this face and without saying anything words he saw the answer in my eyes and I broke down crying.
"Baby it's ok. You don't have to hide that shit from me baby. But I promise you they not gonna hurt you anymore." I nodded and he kissed my forehead. "Now get some sleep." He said walking to the door.
"Can you sleep with me?" I pouted. And he walked back over to me.
"Ok but let me go see when they gonna discharge you but if the bed break I'm telling them you did it." He said and I hit him on the chest.
"I was playing damn." He chuckled. "Always taking something seriously but I'll be right back." He said walking and opening the door.
"Ok hurry back." And he left out the room and everyone else came back in. We conversed for a while til Meek came back in.
"They said you can be released in two days."
"Ok." I sigh and he came and walked over to the bed.
"Ok well we're gonna head home and Nic I'll came back and have a bag for you and I'll sneak you some food cuz I know you don't do hospital food." TT said.
"Ok see y'all." Everyone left out the room so it was just me and Meek. "Don't just stand there come lay with me." And Meek came and joined me in the bed. He got on my left and wrapped his arms around keeping in mind not to get near my wound. "I love you baby. I knew you were gonna pull through." He said kissing my forehead.
"Yea...for as the famous Maya Angelou said;

           I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide
           Welling and swelling I bear in the tide
           Leaving behind night of terror and fear
                                            I rise

And that's been my favorite since I was five that poem taught me to keep my faith and be strong. But anyway how's the girls take it?"
"Rika broke tf down and others was on the edge i mess you was in there for like an hour and a half."
"Tru. But I'm tired so let's just go to sleep."
"Ok." And me and Meek got more comfortable and went to sleep in each other's arms.
How was it?
What will happen for the gang?
Will Meek really let what CC did slide?
Or better yet what we'll Rika do?
Til next time....
Check out my new book called 'Dangerously in Love'

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