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I sat on my bed inside the rebel base, pulling my knees up to my chest. Tears ran down my face. My dad couldn't be gone. He was Han Solo; a smuggler turned savior of the galaxy. And his killer was somehow my brother? What had the dark side done to him?

A knock sounded at my door. "Come in." I whispered quietly.

"Hey, how are you doing? I know exactly how much it hurts and I am so, so sorry. I have no idea how this ever happened." My mother, Leia said as she sat down next to me. She progressively looked more exhausted as the days wore on; the lines in her face had been appearing in rapid succession throughout the past weeks. Her brown hair was in one of her normal French brains, but it looked a bit more rumpled than usual

"Mom, it's you who everyone is concerned about. Even if you didn't always get along, he was still your husband. I just met him a few weeks ago! I'm so sorry for all that you've had to go through. Losing a son and a husband in one day- I mean it would kill anyone. I'm sad too, but don't worry too much about me. I just want to be here for you. " I said as I leaned over to give her a hug.

The feeling of her chest shaking with sobs reverberated through my body. I wondered how much it could hurt to loose a husband. My parents had taken Luke's advice and kept their second child, me, a secret. I was placed on a planet called Caytar and grew up in its tropical climate. When Luke first started the Jedi Academy after the war against the Empire, he hunted for more force sensitive people. Some that he found were older and already understood the force, and one of them, Teria, had become my guardian.

"I'm not your mother, but I will do my best to care for you like one. One day, you will be reunited with your family." She told me repeatedly as a child. We trained all of the time as soon as I was confirmed to be force sensitive as a child. I was never given a lightsaber, but instead taught to use any weapon that we could scavenge. We also did physical and mental workouts, and many included using the force.

I often wondered why my parents had decided to leave me, but I was finally starting to understand. It wasn't because they didn't love me, but more that they loved me too much to lose another child. Luke and Leia had dreams about another Order 66, but they never imagined that it would be Ben, or rather Kylo Ren. I'm not upset about the decision that my parents made, but I do wish that I got to spend more time with them. Especially my dad.

My mom came to get me as soon as Rey came out of hiding. I'm hoping that I will get to meet her and Luke soon, but with all that's going on, that could take awhile.

The jolts of my mom's sobs were slowly dying down. "Thank you for all that you have done already. I'll talk to you about finding Luke and Rey at dinner later." She said as she stood up.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit. Love you."

"I love you too, Amara. More than you could ever imagine." Leia said as she smiled softly at her daughter.
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