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I woke up to the sun streaming through the windows. I extended my arms and stretched on my bed, forgetting that the beds were close together. I knocked Finn in the head and he grabbed his pillow and violently put it over his head, while I looked on and laughed.

I sat up, smiling when I realized that I was still wearing that same clothes as yesterday. I glanced over to see Rey waking up and Poe already standing by the door.

"They are ready to feed you whenever you guys are ready." He said, laughing as Finn started moving in double time to get ready.

We got ready for the day, which mainly consisted of washing our faces because we were not provided with new clothes. The walk to the cafeteria was eye-opening, as the decor looked much more grand when sunlight was streaming through the windows. I entered the double wide doors and inhaled the scent of fresh fruit, pancakes, and eggs. I looked around the room and spotted about fifty kids my age, and about the same amount were significantly younger.

I got in line behind Finn and looked at all the food behind the glass counters. I chose some fruit and granola with yogurt and walked to the nearest empty table. Rey followed me, and the boys trickled in later after they heaped their plates full.

"That's a very healthy meal you have there!" I remarked to Poe, who had pancakes that were drenched in syrup- but nothing else.

"Someday a scientist is going to discover a beneficial property of syrup and you are going to regret eating that fruit. And I'll live forever!" He responded, confident that his logic could not be outdone.

"Ok kid. Good luck with that one." Rey responded with a dramatic eye roll.

I surveyed the dining hall. It was filled with many young kids, and a couple of tables that seated teenagers. I noticed that most of them looked tired, and a few of the older boys were glaring at their plates. I looked over at the entrance of the room as Ladon strode in. The volume in the room dropped to about half of its previous strength, it seemed as though his presence was unusual.

He came over to our table with Luke following in his footsteps. "I think that you kids would benefit from some training today. I have arranged for a couple of my best students to show you around and guide you throughout your day. I will be meeting with your master. If you need him, just ask one of your guides to bring you to me. I hope that you find your time here productive." With that he left, and Luke nodded at us to show that everything was okay.

We finished eating, and a guy around our age walked over to our table. "Hey, I'm Colton, and I'll be your tour guide for the day!" The boy with sandy blonde hair ginned, showing perfect white teeth.

He was the kind of person the possessed a contagious smile, and the rest of the group smiled back and nodded. They introduced themselves, and took care of their dishes before exiting the hall. After about an hour of touring Colton took them into a spacious storage room.

He looked around before lowering his voice and saying, "Keep quiet, there are eyes everywhere, but you need to get out of here as soon as possible. Ladon is plotting with Kylo Ren to start another Sith movement, and he kidnapped all of the force sensation kids that you see here. Many of them are with him, but the rest just try to act as he thinks they should. Please do something to help us, we'll never have an opportunity to escape like this again."

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