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I glanced out into the hallway and saw Master Luke following close behind Rey. He nodded in to me, and I lept off of my bed and joined the line. Rey seemed to know where we were going, but it was all a maze to me. Then again, I had never been good with directions. We took about five turns, and every so often I would glance back at the boys, all of whom were breathing steadily.

The green carpets suddenly stopped, and a metal door blocked the rest of the hallway. Rey produced a key card that she must have pick pocketed off of some worker. Thankfully, it went through and audible sighs of relief were heard. Upon entrance to the second part of the hallway the lights became whiter, and the smell changed from slightly dusty to a sterile scent. The walls were no longer a tan tone, but now a metallic silver that reflected the light in an intimidating fashion.

There wasn't a sign of anyone working at this hour. "Where are we? I've never even heard of a wing like this." Colton said, with a nervous look in his eyes.

"Medical experimentation zone, you're lucky that you haven't heard of it. Pretty things do not go down here, but it was the quickest escape route." Luke said apologetically.

We proceeded to run, and had almost reached the last door when one of the examination room doors opened.

"Well, look who we have here. Colton and his newfound friends. I'm happy to see that you enjoyed your stay here enough to attempt to leave and spread the news. Unfortunately, we try to keep our proficiency a secret." I glanced at Ladon as he reached for his belt. My light saber was on my belt as well, but I was sure that he was much more adept with his than I was with mine.

We had never had time to find me my own lightsaber, so I had ended up just using an extra one that Uncle Luke had found. It was a light blue tone, and hummed with unharnessed energy.

Ladon took a few steps towards us, and as he got close I saw Master Luke slowly sink to the ground like a leaf falling to the ground. Colton, Poe and Finn soon followed. "I hope that you two have been practicing with your lightsabers. Your friends will not be able to help you now."

I removed mine from my belt, and Rey did the same. I bent my knees in anticipation for the duel to come. He ignited his glowing red lightsaber and took two quick steps towards us. Rey immediately took a swipe for his legs, but he gracefully jumped over it and took a swing at her head, forcing her onto the defensive with a parry. I joined the fight with a hack to his left hand, but he whipped it away at the last second allowing only for a slightly singed tunic. Ladon was much quicker than us and began backing down the hallway to the exit. We knew that he was baiting us, and it would surely end in a trap, but we didn't have any better options. I managed to get a few more strikes in, but they were all easily deflected.

With every step we increased the distance between us and our allies, and ended up a step away from the door. He threw it open and the cool air flooded inside. I glanced at Rey and saw the sweat dripping down her forehead. We had been fighting for about five minutes and accomplished nothing but a few grunts from Ladon. Then we realized our mistake. We had been fighting as individuals, when our strength was found only in numbers. I nodded at her in the now dim liht of the outdoors, and she returned it.

I stabbed at our enemy's foot, and Rey simultaneously took a swing at his neck. I had previously been attacking him, so he was faced towards me and didn't even see Rey's lightsaber coming. I jumped back in shock as Ladon's head fell to the concrete floor with a thud. His body continued to twitch for another thirty seconds, but then welcomed the stillness of death. I turned around while wiping my loose hairs out of my face to see our fallen companions rising. Luke stood up using the wall as support as he surveyed the scene."I am very sorry that you girls had to do that. But thank you for doing the galaxy a favor." He said, a sad tone present in his voice.

"Um, I hate to ruin the party, but who is that?" Finn asked, apprehensive.

A tall shape stood on the buliding above us. A black mask covered it's face, and dark robes cloaked the body. It spoke in a deep tone.

"Congratulations. You just killed my best man." The figure removed an object from under his cloak and showed it off. A red lightsaber with two short beams of lights emerging from either side of the handle.

Mater Luke muttered under his breath.

"Ben Solo."

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