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We had all eaten, and Rey actually ended up getting the best food, so I shared with her. We had played in the arcade for an hour or so, and I was beginning to get bored. Then a thought crossed my mind.

"Luke, wasn't the old Jedi temple on Courasant?" I asked, feeling excited at the possibility of being near the place where my ancestors would have trained in the Force.

"Yes it was. Why do you ask?" He responded guardedly.

"Well, I was sort of wondering... If there was any chance of us visiting?" I trailed off at the end, worried about being denied.

Luke looked more serious than before, and sat down as if it would let him think better. "Now?"


"I guess that would be alright, and a good learning experience. We will have to be careful though, because many of out enemies could be watching places that used to be Jedi strongholds. But I think that you have had a good idea, and we should act on it. It could have even been the force."

I sighed in relief, and butterflies began to come alive in my stomach. I was about to go to a temple where my grandfather had been raised, and taught about the force. Anakin Skywalker's story both amazed and horrified me. He had possessed so much bravery as a child, leaving his home and mother to become a Jedi, only to have it stripped from him as an adult because of one corrupt man. He was so blinded by the dark side that he killed the woman he loved.

My bloodline was a funny thing. Grandparents who both died from the terrors of the dark side and lost love, and parents who were in love and out of it soon after.  Then my father dies at the twisted hands of my brother. My mom was the only immediate family that I had left.

Luke had gathered the others, and we began to walk out of the building, with only minor complaints from Finn for ruining his chance at getting the girls that night. I rolled my eyes, it wasn't like he had a chance with Corosaunt girls anyway. Unless they were drunk.

The streets were dark, and the crowds were starting to dwindle in this part of town. We walked for about half an hour, and I was constantly looking over my shoulder to see if we were being followed. After a few more blocks we hadn't seen anyone for five minutes. I looked up to see a looming dark structure overhead.

"Welcome to the Jedi temple. We have been awaiting your arrival with anticipation." A deep voice came from the doorway that had creaked open a second ago.

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