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"Rey, this is Dad. You need to report to the briefing room immediately. Bring your friends with you, and make sure that you hurry!" Luke's voice came through the commlink.

"Okay, we'll be there in a minute. See you there." Rey responded.

We all looked at one another questionably before reaffirming that we had everything. We jogged out of the cafeteria and took a right. The weather was warm today, about 70 degrees. Colorful birds were visible in the trees.

The briefing room was only a minutes run from the cafeteria, and the whole way I wondered what could be going on. We had never been privileged enough to be told about any of the missions that often occurred.

It was a hexagonal building, with windows that were impossible to see in front the outside. We went around to the front door and had to buzz in. After we were admitted I saw a round room with a hologram projector in the middle.

Luke was already sitting in one seat, along with Admiral Akbar and my mom.

"Hello. I'm sorry that we had to call you here today, but this is an important matter. You all know that the senate meets on Corosaunt right?"

We all nodded, with slightly confused expressions at this obvious piece of information.

"There was a murder last night. The senator from Xalion was found dead this morning in his bed. This is the second senator from an outer rim planet this month, and several rumors are going around about who will be next. We would like Luke to go along with you, I think that a Jedi, or those on training might need to handle this. So unless you adamantly object, I would like to get you all on a ship to Corasaunt by tomorrow morning."

"We don't know how long that we will be there, so if you accept make sure that you pack enough clothes and various outfits, including nicer ones." Luke said with a serious expression.

I looked around at my friend's faces. Poe looked strong and determined, but Finn looked almost surprised that he had been invited to the party. Rey played with a pen that she had found on the table, practicing her mental levitation.

"I mean I can't speak for the rest of them, but I want to go. It sounds good to get a real world experience before we have to do the most important work." I said with a small smile.

"Yeah, I agree." Rey said.

The boys nodded in agreement. Luke and Admiral Akbar smiled and nodded.

"I would recommend that you start packing then. The flight leaves at 8:00 tomorrow morning. I'll see you at 7:30 in the hanger." Luke said, his way of dismissing us."

We all stood up and stretched out legs as we pushed our chairs back in. The door opened automatically for us as we strolled out.

"Well this should be fun."

Hey I'm back finally! Sorry I had writers block.  :( thanks for reading ❤️

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