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I had been sitting in my room since my mom left, reading history books. Although it appeared to be a rather mind-numbing task, I had become fascinated with the old Republic and the following Rebellion. The Jedi used to have such a powerful presence in the galaxy, and I wished that I could have witnessed that. The trust that they earned from civilians and the investment they made in the universe was unmatched, and I often caught myself daydreaming about what it would have been like to train at the Academy. 

Uncle Luke had tried to recreate the academy and Jedi way of life, and apparently it had been going well. Unfortunately, my insane brother came along and ruined all of that, including my family's lives. I wanted to control my anger at him, as the Jedi do, but it became so hard when it came to Ben. He had turned with no regard for anyone but himself, leaving my parents to pick up the pieces. Even that couldn't be done easily. 

Eventually, I decided that I should stop thinking about the past and go see if my mom needed help with dinner. I rolled out of my bed, which was the same grey color as everything else in the camp, and looked in my mirror. My choppy brown hair looked decent, but I didn't want it in my food, so I secured it in a ponytail. I was wearing a long tunic with brown pants, having forgone the customary Jedi robes. I stood around 5'9" galactic measures, a height that allowed me to effectively tower over many other life forms. My height could only have come from my dad's side, or Anakin Skywalker, but certainly not my mother. 

I walked out of my quarters in the base and made my way down the hallway while greeting a few familiar friends. This base was a fairly open setup, with many "hallways" that were really just sidewalks. I loved it because it made me feel closer to nature and less boxed in.

My mom's apartment was only a minute or so away from mine. She actually got a small house due to her high ranking, and it was painted a light green.

I walked up to the front door and opened it slowly. I heard voices talking quietly in the living room, and wondered to myself if I should have come over without messaging her on my commlink first.

"Mom? Can I come in?" I asked.

"Yes, we're in the living room."

I walked around the corner into the classically grey room which held white furniture and gold accents. Two people were sitting on the couch, Leia and a middle aged man. I could practically feel the force emanating off of him in waves. 

"Are you really..." I asked in a unsure voice.

"Luke Skywalker? Yes, I'm afraid so. I'm sorry to have never met you before Amara, and that I have failed to train you properly in the ways of the force. It is one of my deepest regrets that you were not able to stay here with your parents, but I foresaw no possible ways for it to turn out well. However, it seems that I was not needed for your training. You are already very strong with the force." My Uncle looked at me with a small smile.

"Will you teach me now? I want to learn everything! I've been waiting for this for as long as I can remember." I said excitedly, also feeling slightly shocked by the fact that I had just met my long lost uncle.

"All in due time. Later I will introduce you to my daughter Rey, and you can train with us tomorrow if you want. I'm so happy to meet you. Well, I guess I knew you as a baby but that doesn't really count."

Luke laughed as he stood to hug me. It felt good to know that soon I would meet my cousin, and learn about the force from the only true master left in the galaxy. I had been waiting for nearly my whole life to know if I would ever truly learn from an accomplished teacher.

We stood apart and I studied his face. He looked very different than in the history books that I had read. His hair was darker and his face creased, and he had gained a slight amount of weight. However, I knew better than to underestimate him. Master Skywalker could surely still beat most people in the galaxy in combat. 

"Well, should we eat now? We can talk more over dinner." My mom asked politely, but with a smile.

We walked into the dining room, and I was itching to hear the amazing tales of my family's journey.


I'll be in the car a lot for my futsal (comment if you know what this is) tournament this weekend and will hopefully be able to get more updates done! Thanks for reading, and please vote if you enjoyed it!

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