Twenty One

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      I sighed. My heart had dropped in my chest as I began to think about what was to come. My brother was here. A sith was standing on the building right across from me.

     "Ben, please come down. We can still settle this on good terms. You don't have to fight anyone, please. We all want you to come home." Luke pleaded with his nephew, searching for any last glimmer of hope.

     "Why would I want to do that, Master Luke?" The cloaked figure spoke mockingly. "You could never teach me the way that I deserved. The only way that I could find true power in the force was by learning the ways of the dark side. I have been told that the last step that I have to take to become a true sith lord is to kill you, dear uncle."

     "I am sorry that it has to be that way, Ben." Master Luke ignited his lightsaber and Rey and I proceeded to follow suite. Kylo Ren jumped down from the building, using the force to slow his decent.

     The whole situation felt overwhelming to me. I had never even known him, and to see him for the first time as a warped and hate filled man was one of the hardest things that I had ever experienced. I could only wonder what he looked like under that mask.

     "I have worked so hard just to see the look on your face when I shred you to pieces." With that he ignited his lightsaber, the red beam of light reaching out as two identical smaller spikes protruded from the handle of the weapon. Uncle Luke bent his knees slightly, prepared for any incoming attack. Kylo took three bounding steps forward across the dark concrete before leaping into the air, winding up for a deadly strike through his former master's neck. Luke gracefully parried the swing, ad the two blades bounced off of one another.

     "You have learned nothing, just as your grandfather followed blindly down the path of the dark side before you." Luke said with a sigh, looking older than I had ever seen him appear. The red light of the sith lightsaber made the lines in his face look deeper, and his posture looked meek. Rey and I stood wondering of we were necessary to take down the enemy.

     "That's what you think, old man." Poe was suddenly thrown through the air and into the wall, where he fell in a slump, unconscious but still alive. Kylo quickly made a sweeping motion with his left arm, and a large metal beam came flying out of the dark alleyway behind us. I heard the whistling a split second early and managed to duck, but I was nowhere near skilled enough to stop the heavy battering ram from slamming into Master Luke with a hollow noise. I watched in horror as my uncle fell, but was relieved to notice that his life force still resided in the immediate vicinity of his now bent body. He had fallen forward with his arms outstretched, and his lightsaber had managed to slice off half of Kylo's mask. Finn and Colton had been standing behind Luke and had also been hit, but also seemed to be unconscious. We could only hope.

     "What are you doing? How could you do that to such an innocent person, one that has only ever shown love to you, even after you betrayed him?" I asked, my voice cracking. I pushed my hair out of my face, only wanting one thing. I wanted to show Ben every ounce of pain that he had put us through, every tear that his parents had shed over him, every little second that everyone involvd with him had second guessed their decisions, wondering if it was their fault.

     "Amara, that won't help anything. We cannot show hatred towards him, or we ourselves will be no better." Rey said, glancing at me with sorrow filled eyes.

     I nodded in response, and drew up my lightsaber until it's tip was level with his eyes. I nodded to Rey before pulling my hands back and then fluidly whipping them forward. The green blade flashed in the dark, and collided with Kylo's red one a second before it would have reached his face. He grimaced and pushed me back just as Rey took a swing at him from behind. I could only watch as they exchanged blows with each other as I stumbled back, scrambling to regain my footing on the concrete that was littered with debris.

     Rey continued to fight, the blades moving so quickly that all that could be seen were streaks gliding through the air. I took the chance to glance around, and was relieved to see that there were no accomplices visible. I raised myself onto one knee and looked at Uncle Luke before standing. He was still unconscious, and I knew that this fight was ours alone.

      I leaped into the air, bounding over the scattered metal on the ground. My weapon was behind my head, quickly traveling over it towards Ben's chest. He looked away from Rey for a second to deflect the blow, and succeeded for a second. However, he was no longer on the offensive.

     "You made a mistake coming after us, Kylo Ren." I chuckled as he scrambled to defend himself. He was far better trained than us, but numbers are hard to beat.

      "The force does not make mistakes." The cloaked man ducked between us, swinging the hilt of his saber toward Rey's back. The moment seemed to slow down for a second, just enough time that I was able to push he out of the way, except for a deep gash on her right wrist. Her hand was intact, but would need medical attention quickly.

      I inhaled slowly, attempting to calm myself into a meditative state. I could not do this on my own, but maybe with the force on my side I could. Finally I would be able to see. The dark light, the corner behind Ben, the rod on the wall that had previously held up a canvas.

     I began to run and kept my eyes on my enemy's face, watching as he turned to stare. I jumped once, using the force to propel me higher than the human body could naturally reach. I grabbed the bar and used it to flip myself upside down by pushing off of the wall with my feet. I looked down at Kylo, who had raised his lightsaber up to protect himself. Then I fell.

     My lightsaber collided with his, flashing brighter than I had ever seen. Still falling, I kicked the hilt of his blade into the air where it flew off to the right, out of reach. Rey had managed to stand up and grab it off of the ground, ensuring that he would not be able to retrieve it by using the force. I held my own green blade to his throat while removing his mask. His eyes were dark and his hair was everywhere, but somehow he reminded me of myself, and I knew that I could never hate someone that shared my blood. "You're done hurting people. Come with us, and don't try to get away. I don't want you to ruin the family name more than you already have. That being said, I hope that you come back to the light. Therefore, introductions are probably due. This is your cousin Rey, whom you seem to have already met. And I am your little sister, Amara Solo."

      Only time will tell, but I like to think that as we called for a ship to collect us, and waited for the eventual revival of Master Luke, Finn, Colton and Poe, I saw a small flicker of regret, and even love in the eyes of Ben Solo.


Thank you so much for reading this story! I'm sorry if the last chapter is not the greatest, and I'm sure that there are many errors, but I wanted to get this up there for you guys. This is the first story that I have written that has gotten more than one thousand views or whatever that number means. If you enjoyed this, feel free to read any of my other stories that I also update painfully slowly (haha yikes)! I loved writing this weird little story, and I hope that it was not too cringy for anyone. But if it was I doubt that they would be here now. Anyways, I will hopefully writing again soon, possible continuing my X-men story. Back on topic, please leave any constructive criticism below!  And yes, I know the last chapter was weak (especially my way of dispatching Luke, Finn, Poe and Colton all at the same time) but I really just wanted to finish it for you all. Again, thank you for all of the support, I hope that you received some enjoyment out of this story. I hope to see you all around sometime.


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