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"Yeah, sure I bet that it was a big mistake!" Rey used air quotes as she spoke in her most sarcastic voice. "Just be prepared, you have awoken the beast." Her voice dropped down into low ominous tones and she wiggled her eyebrows.

We were nearing the settlement, and the forest had started to thin out. The birds chirping quieted, and the mosquitos finally started to leave us alone.

I was thinking about how happy I was to be with my family for the first time. Except for my Dad, I still missed him. It was hard to just meet someone to the point where you grow attached only to have them ripped from you. I don't blame anyone specific for it, just my "brother". I tried not to hate him, because the dark side would use every opportunity that it could get to corrupt me. I knew about my family history, and there is nothing that I could do to change it, but I had to remain in the light side. My mothers heart would be broken otherwise.
But finding Rey and Luke were still some of the best things that could ever have happened to me.

As we approached the pilot training center Luke strode off to take care of other business, I assumed. Many people filled the area, and Rey walked over to a few, as I followed behind.

"This is Amara, and Amara this is Poe and Finn. I met Finn on Jakku, he is the storm trooper that betrayed the First Order, and Poe is my other friend who I met through Finn. Poe was escaping the First Order and revived help from Finn, and made it out, only to crash land on Jakku," Rey let out a airy laughs," Then Finn thought that he was dead, stole his jacket, and then we all lived happily ever after on the resistance base. Not really, but a girl can dream."

Poe and Finn laughed along as they thought back on their first meetings. We started walking over to our seats in front of the computers. The room filled up with men and women, along with a wide variety of aliens.

I was taking about the differences between a x-wing and a y-wing and which made for better attacks when our instructor walked in. I prepared my self for a long lesson about things that I had already learned.
I don't know if I should do pairings and if so who would you like to see together? Like are Rey and Finn gonna be a thing? Should I make an OC? Comment below!

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