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"Great job Amara, Rey. I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't expecting that from such new students of the force." 'I just pray that it is all positive energy.' He thought to himself.
'I don't think that I could take another failure.'

"Well I think that we should be done for the day. I wouldn't want to exhaust your minds." Luke said out loud.

"Ok." I said rather disappointedly.

"But I do think that it would be a good idea to do some physical workouts." Uncle said quickly.

"Are you kidding me?!" Rey groaned. "We have to go to pilots training later, I promise that they will make us work hard there. We'll jog home, but please no push-ups."

I laughed to myself about her complaints. She was one of the hardest working people I knew, and any complaining came as a shock.

We started to trot slowly through the woods, our eyes on the ground and the roots that tangled together there. She was slightly in front of me when I spotted a riverbed. I looked up, ensuring that she was still running dutifully, and I crouched down for a split second. Just enough time to scoop up some mud without being spotted!

I caught up to her, but before I tried anything I had to make sure that my only witness was not a tattletale. I turned and started jogging backwards, and put one finger to my lips, signaling Uncle Luke. He nodded with a grin.

I dipped one of my fingers into the mud and casually flicked it onto the back of Rey's neck. She slapped at it, thinking that it was a bug. I stifled my laughter and attempted to continue keeping my rather sloppy poker face.

I continued running for a couple more minutes before launching another few bits of mud. Actually, it was more that time. About the size of a quarter. She actually turned around, and gave me a weird look. I hoped that she didn't decide to investigate my clenched hand.

"I feel like something keeps landing on me. Or randomly dripping on my neck, could you let me know if you see anything?" Rey asked confusedly.

I could barley contain myself, but I managed to squeak out a "No problem." She had just given me a genius idea though. I gazed up into the bright green tropical forest above us, and focused on the remaining mud in my hand. Slowly, it grouped together and began to levitate, forming a ball. As it floated up I almost tripped over another root, but managed to save myself (and the floating ball of mud). Then I was closing in on my position.


"Eww! What is this? Are you kidding me?!" Rey yelled as she struggled to wipe the goopy mud out of her eyes.

I had tripped on a root, but I didn't even fell the pain because I was laughing so hard. Luke could be heard laughing behind us, probably just as humored by his daughter's reaction. I only managed to get out a few words before collapsing into hysterics again.

"Sorry, my bad!"

I hope that you liked it! Just an FYI I have midterms right now and am going to camp over the weekend, so I'll try to update on Monday, but I'm not sure when I'll get around to it. Thanks for reading and the votes!

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