A Late Night Phone Call

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Things got boring fast after Zoe left, so I decided I would head home. Marcus was making out with some girl sitting at the bar so I figured he would be able to find his own way home.

On my way out to the car I heard Zoe and what sounded like screaming and crying. I got scared and ran over there to make sure she was okay but of course she wasn't. Jack and Finn Harries were attacking her. I started screaming her name and I think noth of them heard me because they both stopped and turned with looks filled with pure disgust and hatred and I frankly didn't care. I went in fists flying knocking Jack and Finn to the ground unconscious. The first thing I did was grab Zoe and scoop her into my arms making sure she was okay. She began sobbing uncontrollably into my shirt making me even more mad at the 2 boys laying at our feet.

I carried Zoe back into the club and over to Louise who freaked out when she saw Zoe crying in my arms.

"OH MY GOD CHUMMY! ARE YOU OKAY!?!?! ALFIE HOW DID SHE GET LIKE THIS? DID YOU DO SOMETHING TO HER?" she looked so worried I thought she was going to pass out.

"No Louise it's fine, Alfie saved me" Zoe said wiping away the tears from her eyes while looking up at me with those beautiful blue eyes and smiled.

"Thank god! Okay let's go home Zoe I'm pretty sure you had enough excitement for one night"

"Good idea" I said trying to sound as calm as possible for Zoe's sake.

"Thanks for saving me Alfie" she whispered it in my ear, kissed my cheek then left. I then decided that saving her was the best decision I had ever made in my entire life.


The car ride back to Louise's house was full of questions about what happened. I didn't mean to be rude but I blew off most of them because I really didn't want to think about it. Let alone what would have happened if Alfie hadn't of been there to save me. 


When we got back to her house Louise went to bed while I sat on the guest bed thinking of Alfie. I decided to call him and thank him again.

"Hey Alfie it's Zoe"

"Hey Zoe what's up?"

"Uh about tonight... Thanks again for saving me I really appreciate it"

"It's okay Zoe, you don't need to thank me I'm just glad I was there when it happened"

Our conversation continued for another 3 hours before I fell asleep on the phone with him. 

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