First Date!

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I woke up to Joe jumping on my bed nearly bouncing me onto the floor. 

"Zoe! Smile for the camera!" Joe snaps a picture of my shocked face before I have a time to react.

"Joe!" I yell jumping up as he runs out of the room.

"If you want me to not post this you have to catch me!" He yells running down the stairs.

I start to laugh and run down the stairs after him. I look at the clock on the wall and notice its 5am. Jeez Joe did you have to do this so early? Wow it's really dark down here. 

"Joe this isn't funny. Delete the picture!" I say into the pure darkness ahead of me.

"Okay!" I hear from behind me. I screamed and start smacking everywhere. Joe starts laughing hysterically and falls onto the floor. "That was payback from the other night!" He manages to say in between his fits of laughter. The lights then flick on and Alfie is standing there half asleep. 

"What are you guys doing down here?" he says while yawning.

"Joe scared the hell out of me!" I say talking over Joe who is still laughing.

"Well if everything is okay then I intend to go back to bed and sleep until noon" Alfie says going back up the stairs.

"I agree. Goodnight little brother" I say following Alfie. 


I look into the mirror and decide that am ready. I head downstairs and meet Alfie out in the garden.

"Wow you look.. amazing" He says pulling me into a hug. I feel my cheeks starting to blush and I look down smiling.

"Thanks, are you ready to go?" I say. He responds with a yes and we walk hand in hand over to the car.


"You were not blonde as a little kid!" I say laughing. This date was going amazing. There were no awkward silences and Zoe looked even more beautiful than usual. 

"Yes I was! I swear! I had blonde curly hair!" She exclaimed laughing. I loved the way she smiled. I would do anything to keep that on her face forever.

"Well then how did you end up with this!?!?" I said dramatically pointing both my hands towards her hair.

"As I got older it got darker and now we have this" She said flipping her hair. 

We both finished our meals and went back out to her car. The sky was completely clear and you could see all the stars. I had a great idea on how to end the date. 

"Zoe, Give me the keys?" I said still gazing at the sky. 

"Uhh okay, Where are we going?" She asked looking up at me.

"You'll see when we get there" I smile at her and open the passenger door motioning for her to get in.

We drove around for about 20 minutes until I found the path that leads to the place I used to go as a child. I pulled over and we got out of the car. This was going to be perfect.


We pulled over on the side of a dark road. I started to freak out a little bit.

"Uhh Alfie, W-Where are we going?" I ask starting to shake.

"Just follow me and shut your eyes" He says with excitement. I close my eyes and I feel his hands cover my eyes as he starts to guide me forward. 

"You are going to love this!" He says. I start to get even more scared knowing I'm in the dark with just Alfie.

After what feels like hours of walking aimlessly in the dark Alfie finally stops and moves in front of me. 

"Okay open your eyes!" He says. I slowly open my eyes and see a bench on the edge of the cliff overlooking the ocean. I can see the little lights of boats far off in the distance and the perfect reflection of the moon on the water. The view is so amazing I don't take my eyes off of it. Alfie takes my hand and leads me to the bench and we sit down. 

"Alfie, This is so.. beautiful!" I say smiling at him. 

"I'm glad you like it. I used to come as a kid and look over the ocean thinking pretending to guide the boats in to port" He says moving his arm around me. I move closer to him and wonder why I was even scared in the first place.

We stare at the ocean in silence then we both slowly turn to each other. He starts to move closer to kiss me. This is really happening okay Zoe don't mess this up. I close my eyes and feel our lips touch. I know this sounds extremely cliche but I don't care I swear I felt something. It was something I never had with anyone else. We broke apart and stared at each other. By the look on his face I knew he felt it too. I layed my head on his shoulder and watched the ocean until my eyes got so heavy I couldn't keep them open.


I kissed her. I really kissed her. I stared at the ocean contemplating what to make of what we both felt. After a while I looked back over at Zoe. She was asleep with her head on my shoulder so I picked her up and carried her back to the car. 

I sat her in the passenger's seat and started to drive home. One Direction came on and I smiled thinking of the day before. 

We get back to her house and I carried her inside. I brought her into her bedroom and layed her under the duvet. She opened her eyes a little bit and smiled at me. I smiled back at her and kissed her cheek then went back to my room. I layed down and realized I was starting to fall for her. 

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