Well It's Official! Zalfie Is Real!

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Laying in mine and Alfie's bed I started to think about Playlist. It had been incredible. My fans had brought me so many boxes of Poptarts and Lucky Charms I was going to need another suitcase, the Jacksgap fans hadn't said one word to me causing me to get a little suspicious, and of course meeting all my fans was the best part. 

There were some downsides though. I have to hide all my affection for Alfie because the fans freak out even when we sit next to each other. Not to mention some people are starting to ask questions about Jack and Finn. I don't know how those girls at the airport knew but the news obviously hadn't gotten around yet. 

"Zoe, I think we may have a problem" I hear Alfie say. He's looking regretfully at his phone.

"What problem?" I ask sitting up and moving beside him.

"Did you tweet about the piano in our room?" Alfie asks not taking his eyes off his phone.

"Yeah why?" I ask. 

"Oh god" He says putting his face in his hands and sighing.

"Alfie, what is the problem?" I say starting to get worried.

"I tweeted about the piano and some crazy obsessed fan figured out that there was only one room at this hotel with a piano so everyone knows we are sharing a room" Alfie says.

"Well, just delete the tweet, not that many people could have found out right?" I say trying to be hopeful.

"Okay" Alfie says looking at his phone again.

"Let's just ig-" I was interrupted by my phone beeping. I pick it up and notice that I have a ton of notifications. I open the twitter app and find #Zalfie is trending again. I curse under my breath and show Alfie.

"I think we need to just tell them" Alfie says.

"Well we do have a panel later today, I guess we could announce it then" I say unsure of how its going to turn out.

"Yeah I guess we probably should. It's not like any of the shippers are going to give up anytime soon." Alfie says laughing.

I couldn't help but wonder how everyone was going to take it.


As we walked down the hall to our panel I tried to reassure Zoe that everything was going to be okay and no one would judge her but she wouldn't stop trembling. What made it even worse was that I was nervous about how everyone was going to take it to/

We sat down on the stage and everyone starts shouting Zalfie.  Zoe begins to blush but I stop her by nudging her in the arm hard enough for her to look at me. Looking at the crowd of screaming fans I start to get nervous. 

"Alfie, I dont know if I ca-" Zoe starts to speak but I cut her off.

"We can do this" I say smiling while not taking my eyes off the crowd. I stand up and motion her to come with me. She follows and I approach the microphone stand.

"What's up guys!" I say using my signature hand gesture. The crowd claps and cheers making me smile even bigger. 

"Hello everyone!" Zoe says pushing me out of the way. I laugh as everyone claps and cheers for her.

"Okay guys, Zoe and I have something to tell you" I say looking right at her. I hear the word Zalfie a couple of times from people whispering in the crowd.

"You know the whole Zalfie thing right?" I say with Zoe standing behind me giving a thumbs up as everyone nods their heads in anticipation. 

"Well it's official! Zalfie is real!" I say grabbing Zoe's hand and holding it in the air. Everyone's jaws drop in shock. The fans go psychotic. I hear the following shouts coming from the crowd.




After everyone stops shouting I see people starting to make hearts with their hands. I start to blush and I squeeze Zoe's hand even tighter. 

"I guess you guys were right. We are great for each other" Zoe says looking into my eyes. All the fans make an awwww sound and I want to kiss her so bad but I know I can't. So she kisses me first. At that moment it felt like we were the only 2 people in the room. 

We finished up the panel by talking about how we go about making our videos and all that boring stuff. As we start to leave Zoe sees Louise and abandons me. I just head back up to the hotel room and take a nap.


Telling everyone about mine and Alfie's relationship seemed like a weight had been taking off my shoulders. I spotted Louise as Alfie and I were going back to are hote room. 

"Do you mind if I go and hangout with Louise for a little bit?" I ask Alfie giving him puppy dog eyes. 

"Go ahead" Alfie says laughing. I hug him and run over to Louise ad Alfie gets on the elevator. 

"CHUMMY!" I say hugging Louise.

"Hi chummy! What's up?" Louise says.

"Alfie and I just told everyone about our relationship!" I say excitedly.

"That's amazing! How did everyone take it?" 

"Surprisingly well" 

"I'm sorry to say this chummy but I think you just jinxed yourself" Louise says looking at her phone.

"What are you looking at?" I say very worried.

"You should probably just look for yourself" She says turning her phone so I can see. On the screen I saw a ton of tweets saying how I don't deserve Alfie or how I should back off because I'm just a slut. I was used to dealing with hate but none of this size. The words Get Rid Of Zoe were trending on twitter.

I started to sweat and shake. "Louise take me back to m-" I didn't even finish my sentence before I blacked out.


I woke up with my head in Alfie's lap with a rag on my forehead. I looked around and noticed I was back in the hotel room. 

"Alfie, what am I doing here?" I say sitting up.

"You had a panic attack and blacked out so Louise brought you up here" Alfie says with red eyes. Everything started to clear up about why I panicked. The haters and everyone being terrible to me.

"Zoe, I'm really sorry about everything" Alfie says. I look up and start to see tears forming in his eyes.

"Alfie it's okay it isn't your fault" I say hugging him.

"No Zoe, it is my fault. It was my idea to tell them. You shouldn't be treated like that" Alfie says wiping his eyes. Trying not to cry.

"Alfie, don't cry over it. It's fine. I'll be fine. Nothing is going to push me away from you. I promise" I say wrapping my arms around him. He looks into my eyes then imediately looks away. I see tears start to fall down his cheeks and I wipe them away. I try to stay strong but it doesn't work. Looking at Alfie being that upset killed me. I started to cry too. I take his arms and wrap them around me. I put my face into his shirt and try to block out the world.


Hi people! Just wanted to know what you thought about me making another Zalfie fanfiction when this is over. Here is the main idea for what I want to write. Let me know what you think. :DDD

18 year old Alfie Deyes struggling with the problems of depression meets Zoey Sugg, a girl carrying more baggage than a jumbo jet, one night at a party. Changing both of their lives. Read their story of struggle, sadness and love.

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