Zoe's House

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Alfie was in the car with me driving back to my house to stay with me. Oh no, I forgot to ask Dad if Alfie could stay. I'm sure he won't mind he's met Alfie before.


"Joe I'm home!" I yelled. I could see his feet hanging off the end of the couch so I creeped over behind the couch and yelled BOO! He flinched falling off the couch in the process. Alfie and I started laughing hysterically.

"That's not funny Zoe! Oh and hey Alfie what are you doing here?" Joe said getting off the floor and heading to the kitchen.

"I'm staying with you guys for a while because my flat burned down" Alfie said that alot more cheerfully than I would have expected.

"I'm sorry to hear that mate you can stay here as long as you need" Joe said smiling.

"Come on Alfie I'll show you to the guest room" I said grabbing his arm and pulling him up the stairs.

I left Alfie in his room to settle in while I went down to the living room to watch tv. Joe walked out from the kitchen with a big smirk on his face.

"So are you and Alfie a thing now?" He asked still grinning.

"No not yet but I'm hoping we will be soon" As soon as I finished answering I heard Alfie coming down the stairs so I quickly changed the subject.

"You know Joe, Alfie and I did a collab video where we do each others makeup"

"I'm actually uploading that now" Alfie said sitting down on the couch very close to me. I could see Joe making a kissy face behind Alfie's back I mouthed shut up before moving closer to him.

"Wow I feel really tired all of the sudden I'm gonna go to bed" He said fake yawning and going to the stairs. He winked at me and I frowned at him. I'm glad he left but I do not want Alfie to know that.


Zoe moved closer to me as Joe left. She rested her head on my shoulder but didn't look at me. I started to feel alot more comfortable. I moved my arm around her and started to doze off.


I woke up to me and Zoe still curled up on the couch. I smiled and laughed to myself. I looked at my phone and noticed it was 9am. I figured I wouldn't wake her up but I did get up and head to my room.

When I got to my room I grabbed my laptop and started scrolling through the comments on mine and Zoe's video. All of them were said "ZALFIE OMG THE FEELS!" "YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER JUST DATE!" "ZALFIE ZALFIE ZALFIE" 

It couldn't be that obvious that I liked her. I decided to go on twitter and scroll through my feed but apparently #Zalfie was trending worldwide. Sighing, I went back downstairs to have breakfast. I saw Joe in the kitchen.

"Hey Joe what do you people have to eat around here?" I said started to search through the cabinets.

"We have cereal, pancake mix and eggs" he said while eating a bowl of Lucky Charms.

"I'll just have some cereal" I said. Joe threw me the Lucky Charm box and I sat down to eat.

"Did you read the comments on your video with Zoe" he said chewing his cereal. Okay think fast Alfie just act like you dont like her.

"ughh, yeah they were all about "Zalfie" and then it started to trend worldwide on twitter" I put the air quotes on Zalfie to emphasize it wasn't real. I then noticed Zoe walking into the kitchen in her pajamas half asleep.

"What was trending on twitter?" she mumbled sitting down beside me.

"Just you two's couple name!" Joe said loudly. It looked like Zoe had instantly became awake. 

"WHAT?" she yelled grabbing for her phone.

"It's all about the video we put up about you doing my makeup all our fans refer to us now as Zalfie it's blowing up everywhere" I tried to sound a little annoyed for Zoe's sake but it was really hard.

"But we aren't even a couple" she said staring into her Iphone.

"yet" I heard Joe mumble from the other side of the table. Zoe and I just glared at him and he put up his hands as if to say I didn't do it. 

"I'm just saying I ship it" he said getting up leaving the room.

I looked at Zoe and smiled. She smiled back.

"It's fine the fans opinions about us don't matter it's just what we think" Zoe said. I guess she didn't realize that what the fans were saying was true. I needed to ask her before the fans started to irritate her. 

"Hey Zoe do you want to go to the park today?" I said figuring I could ask her there.

"Yeah sounds fun but I need to call Louise first" She said going to her room.

"Well hurry up!" I said laughing.  

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