Showing Up..Again

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It had been 2 weeks since the meet-up and my panic attacks had gotten alot worse. I couldn't go outside in the dark alone anymore. I decided to call Alfie and tell him to come over to do the collab video. He agreed and said he would be over in 15 minutes. I smiled and started to get ready.

I could here Joe yelling to me from the kitchen telling me dinner was ready. I got off my bed and trudged down the stairs. As I reached the kitchen I saw Joe and the back of some other guy's head. I was confused "Joe, I didn't know you were having people over" The guy turned around and I stood face to face with my attacker from the meet-up.

"Zoe this is Jack, Jack this is Zoe" he smiled not realizing how scared I was.

"Hi Zoe it's nice to meet you" he reached out to shake my hand but I was frozen.

I wanted to leave but my body wouldn't let me. I started to panic. My whole body began to tremble and I fell to the floor crumbling into a ball holding myself crying. 

"Zoe! Oh god. Are you okay? Just breath. Chill out there isn't any danger here" he had no idea who was right there.

The doorbell rang and Joe jumped up to get it. He answered and it was Alfie. When Alfie saw me he pushed past Joe and rushed to my side. Never taking his eyes off of me. I started to calm down knowing he was here. After my panic attack was over, Alfie got up and noticed Jack sitting on the kitchen counter. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Alfie was so mad I thought steam was going to come out of his ears. 

"Zoe who is this? and why is he yelling at Jack?" I couldn't answer that question without having a breakdown so I stood there and looked at the ground. 

"Tell me you fucking asshole, after what you and your twin did to her you think you can come here and act like nothing ever fucking happened!" Alfie started to move closer to Jack and got in his face.

"Chill out mate! I didn't do anything to her! What are you even talking about?!?!?" Jack yelled right into Alfie's face. Alfie looked back with disgust.

"Everybody chill out god damnit! What happened? Maybe we can talk this out." Joe was trying to calm everybody down but Alfie was just getting started.

"This prick and his asshole of a twin tried to rape your sister on the night of the meet-up!" Alfie wrapped his arms around me protectively and pulled me away from Jack. 

"What are you talking about? It didn't do that! He's lying! I've never seen this man in my life!" Jack looked to Joe for sympathy but he didn't have any to give.

"I think you should leave Jack..." Joe mumbled into the ground.

"You know what fine! I'll leave but you better know to stay the hell away from me and my brother!" He walked out slamming the door behind him.

"Zoe... I had no idea. I'm so sorry. He won't be coming over here ever again. I'm gonna leave you two alone" Joe said while pulling me into a hug. 

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