We Are Over The Beautiful Land Of The Free.

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I started to wake up and heard the sound of a plane. There was a sack over my head and my arms were tied behind my back. My thoughts flashed to Zoe. Where was she? Is she okay? I started screaming for her beginning to panic.

"He's waking up!" I heard a man yell.

"We aren't there yet! Go get the boss." Another one yelled. I heard large footsteps approaching me as the sack was pulled off my head. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust but when they did I saw the man from the boat standing in front of me and I was on a couch on a plane.

"W-Who are you?" I said trying to sound tough as I scanned the area looking for Zoe but not seeing her anywhere.

"You can call me LC" The man says. I can here a slight accent in his voice but I'm not sure where its from. 

"Where is Zoe? Is she hurt? I swear if you hurt her!" I said getting frustrated as I tried to get my hands out of their bindings. 

"Woah, I think you are getting ahead of yourself there. Now would you like to know anything that would appeal to you." He said.

"The only information I need to know is where she is." I said as I spit on his shoe. He frowned at me and shook his head.

"Alfie, Alfie, Alfie. Think of your priorities. Zoe is just a minority to the bigger picture here. Now ask me again what you want to know." 

I sighed."Where are we?" 

"Now that is a great question! We are over the beautiful land of the free." He said pointing out to the window showing farmland as far as the eye can see. 

"We're in America!?!?!" I shout.

"Yes. Which is exactly the opposite of where anyone would search for you." He said sitting down next to me.

"What do you want with me?" I ask.

"I can't answer that yet you'll just have to be patient for that answer." He says. I just glare at him anger burning in my eyes. 

"Alright boys knock him out. I don't want him screaming the rest of the way." He says as he leaves the room.

"Wai-" was all I could say before something large and heavy hit me over the head causing everything to go black.


I opened my eyes and I was in a luxorious bedroom. I glanced around noticing how posh everything was. I felt someone move beside me and I tried to jump off the bed only to be stopped by a handcuff that was attached to my left wrist and to the headboard. I slowly lifted the covers to reveal a sleeping Alfie. I breathed a sigh of relief as I wrapped my free arm around him pulling him close. It felt like it had been days since I had last saw him. He stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes smiling. I noticed we were both in pajamas. Who the hell changed us? I thought being extremely creeped out.

"Woah. I had the craziest dream last night. We were taken by this really sketchy guy an-" 

"Alfie that happened." I said cutting him off.

"What?" He said panic filling his eyes. He tried to move but his right arm was connected to the headboard. He shook his arm over and over trying to free himself but failing.

"Alfie don't freak out. I need you to focus. Did the man talk to you at all?" I asked him as I grabbed his arm stopping him.

"Yeah he did. He said we are in America and he said to call him LC" He said.

"How are we in America and why are we handcuffed to this bed?" I ask looking around some more.

"I'm not sure but I think he doesn't intend to let us go for quite some time." Alfie says

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