Forever and Always Alfie + Zoe

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It was getting close to christmas time and Alfie was still living at my house. I couldn't help but smile at that thought considering we now shared a room and turned the guest room into a studio where we could film. The viewers still had no idea that me and Alfie were together which was a relief because the #Zalfie fanbase was constantly growing. 

"Jingle bells, Jingle bells" I heard Alfie sing from outside. 

"Alfie what are you doing?" I say going out the front door and looking up.

"I'm hanging christmas lights!" he says gleaming at me. 

"and I'm helping" Joe says peaking his head out from behind the chimney.

"Why didn't you guys ask if I wanted to help?" I say pouting.

"We did. You were to absorbed in your computer" Alfie says laughing at me.

"Well I'm coming up there to help now" I say starting to climb the ladder.

Hanging Christmas lights used to be my favorite thing to do when I was a kid but after my parents got divorced we stopped. Alfie, Joe and I hung all the christmas lights we could find on the roof and then put light up reindeer in the front yard.

When we finished putting up the decorations we went inside, drank hot chocolate and watched christmas movies until midnight. Joe then retreated to his bedroom while Alfie and I did the same. 


No one knows how much happiness it brings me to wake up with Alfie right next to me. I get out of bed and realize I need to go christmas shopping. I wake Alfie up and despite his protests, I manage to get him out of bed and dressed. I practically drag him down the stairs and into the car while he mumbles stuff like Nooo or i dont wanna. I swear he acts like he is 5 sometimes.

On the way to the mall Alfie attempts to sleep but fails because I keep jerking the steering wheel ever so slighty whenever he would doze off. I'm a mean person sometimes. Don't judge me. We both agree that McDonalds is a good choice for breakfast so we pull through the drive through and get 2 Mcmuffins. By the time we reach the mall Alfie is wide awake and all giddy like usual.


Getting dragged out of bed and forced to go to the mall isn't exactly how I wanted to spend my saturday but I guess it's going to happen that way. 

"This is perfect for Tanya! right Alf" Zoe says pointing to a red scarf on the rack.

"Yeah" I say not really paying attention. I need to get Zoe's gift but I honestly don't know what to get.

"Well this seems like I got everyone on my list a gift" Zoe says looking at a piece of notebook paper.

"I think you missed somebody" I say laughing, pointing to my name written in bold letters at the top.

"Well I guess we are shopping separately now" She says laughing at me.

"Okay" I say starting to walk away.

"Not so fast" Zoe says spinning me around and kissing me.

"Call me when you are done okay?" she says grinning up at me.

"Yes m'am" I say.

I walk off heading straight to the jewelry store. Walking into the store I feel completely overwhelmed by the amount of choices.

"Hello sir, are you looking for something in particular?" An older lady said walking over to me.

"Yeah, I'm looking for something for my girlfriend" I say looking at the glass cases.

"Well what do you have in mind?" She asks.

"I was thinking about getting a heart shaped necklace with our names written on it" 

"Well we can costumize it for you. Just pick a necklace and we can engrave it" She says. I decide on a heart necklace with the words "Forever and Always Alfie + Zoe". I honestly can't wait to give it to her.


I figured I would get Alfie a couple of string bracelets considering he wears those all the time. Luckily there is a guy here who customizes them. 

"Hi, I was wondering if I could get a customized bracelet colored light blue with the words Zoe + Alf written in white on it?" I ask walking up to the stand.

"Yeah we can do that just give us around an hour" The man says starting to weave the bracelet. 

I go to starbucks while I'm waiting and get my favorite type of coffee. My thoughts drift to Alfie. I can't believe how much happiness he brought me. I can't even remember what it was like when he wasn't here. After a while I go back to the stand and pick up the bracelet which turned out much better than I thought. I call Alfie and tell him to meet me in the food court because I am starving. He says okay and that he will be there in a minute.

On my way to the foodcourt I get stopped by some fans and get asked to take a picture. None of them mention Alfie and just express how much they love my videos which makes me feel like the happiest person in the world. I wish I was able to meet alot more of my viewers. They really mean the world to me.

"Hello Zoella" I hear from behind me. The voice belongs to no one other than Finn Harries and it sends shivers down my spine.

"Go away Finn" I manage to choke out.

"What you don't want to see me? I thought you were really enjoying my company at the meetup" He whispers into my ear while pulling me into a hug and not letting go.

"Stop. Finn this isn't funny. Seriously. Go away" I say trying to break free of his grip. It doesn't work.

"Come on Zoe, We never got to finish what we started last time" He says starting to kiss my neck. I kick him in the balls as hard as I can and I hear him cursing as I run away. I make it to the foodcourt and find that Alfie is sitting at a table playing on his Iphone. 

"A-A-lfie" I say started to shake.

"Hey love, I got your pres-. Are you okay?" He says starting to stand up. 

"W-We need to g-go" I say starting to panic. I feel tears swelling in the corners of my eyes. Alfie knows what is going on so he picks me up and carries me out to the car while I cry into his shirt. His embrace makes me calm down a little but knowing Jack is still out there looking for me makes me cry even harder.

He puts me into the passenger seat while repeating the words "Zoe it's okay, Everything is fine" Everything isn't fine though. I see Finn crossing the parking lot and he winks at me. I start to cry even harder. 


"Zoe, tell me what's wrong" Alfie says wiping my tears away while we sit on the couch. 

"Finn. He was at the shopping center and he said he wanted to finish what he started at the meetup" I say inbetween sobs.

"That is not going to happen you understand me?" Alfie says holding me. He pulls out his phone and dials the police.

The police show up and I tell them how Jack and Finn tried to rape me but how Alfie protected me. Then I tell them about how Finn came up to me and what he said to me. The cop said he would go talk to Jack and Finn and see what he could do.

Alfie held me for the rest of the night. He tried his best to make me think nothing could get to me while he was here though I really wasn't sure anymore.  


Hello wonderful people! I justed wanted to say thanks for over 3,000 reads and that if you don't know I have a tumblr if you would like to follow me or if not that's cool too. I'm also leaving a video on the side for the song I named this story after. Known as Love To You by The Summer Set. If you don't listen to them I highly suggest it. They are AWESOME!

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